~ Chapter 45 ~

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[Luhan's Perspective]

"Let's go eat. You've gotten thinner."

"I'm ok. I'm not hungry."

"Baek. Just a little."

He just remained quiet as I pulled him to nearest restaurant.

"Here eat this." I said and pushed a plate to him.

"I'm not hungry." He replied and pushed the plate away.


"I already ate and I'm not hungry right now."

"Alright." I gave in but ordered the plate to-go so when he gets hungry he can eat.

"You're going to school on Monday, right?" I asked and he just nodded.

"You missed so much and everyone was worried about you."

"Not everyone." He replied and I knew what he met when he said that.

"C'mon baby cous, cheer up." I tried reasoning with him but he just ignored me and continued walking.


[Chanyeols Perspective]

It has been to 2 days since Luhan confronted me in school, I truly hope Baekhyun is ok. Is he eating well? Doing well?

I was walking home from the convenient store when a petite figure that reminded me of Baekhyun caught my eye. He wore a hood so I couldn't see their face. He was looking down as he crossed the streets not caring about the passing cars.

The truck was honking loudly but he continued to walk at the same pace. Does he want to die? I quickly ran to him and grabbed him to my side. His hood fell off, proving the guy was indeed Baekhyun.

"Are you crazy?! You could've died Baek!" I scolded him.

He just looked up at me as if he's been yearning to see my face. He eyes were sad and teary, you can obviously see his dark circles due to lack of sleep and how thin he has gotten. 

"Baek. You have got to take care of yourself."

He still just stood there not wanting to tear his gaze off me. He then got back to his senses and left without saying a word to me.

It pained me to see him leave, it reminded me of the day we broke up. I want him back back, back in my embrace. I want him to be happy again.

I quickly ran after him and pulled him in a warm hug. He cried as I hugged him.

"I missed you." He told me. "I missed you so so much."

I wanted to tell him that I missed him too and to make out with him right then and there but that would only make it harder for him to move on.

I let him go but this time instead of him leaving me first, I turned and walked away first.

I can hear him sob loudly as I walked away.

"I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry." I whispered to myself. "I love you."


I'm sorry for the late response,
Thank you to those who waited,
I've got many excited things plan,
So keep waiting, commenting, and voting.
Until next time lovely humans <3

~ WE ALMOST HAD IT ~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt