~ Chapter 48 ~

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[Third Person]

It was day of the graduation and Baekhyun was debating on whether or not he wants to go.

He sat there lifelessly on his bed.

"Today will be the last day to see anyone, right?" He asked himself. "Would Chanyeol be going?"

He finally made up his mind to go, Chanyeol would be there and he could see him... for the last time.

He made an effort to get dress and actually look nice, he covered his dark circles with concealer, applying a bit of eyeliner before leaving the house.


"Byun Baekhyun!" The announcer said and Baekhyun walked up onto the stage to get his award.

After a whole lot of people, it was Chanyeol's turn to get his.

"Park Chanyeol!" Chanyeol also walked onto the stage to get his award but asked the announcer if he can say a few things. The announcer allowed him to and moved aside.

"Hi, my name is Park Chanyeol and I'm very grateful to have attended such an amazing school and to meet such amazing people. Some people that had made such a great impact on my life and some people that barely means anything. I want to thank all my friends and teachers and everyone else who had to deal with my crap. To end this super boring speech, I'd like to invite everyone to my wedding, I'm getting married to Kim Taeyeon in about 4 months. Thank you."

Hearing the other was getting married and not to him, shattered the broken boy even more, all the life left in him drained out. There was no more meaning in life to him anymore, his hopes crushed by a single word, marriage.

There was no more point of waiting. There was no more point in trust. There was no more point in living.

Baekhyun ran out as he cried and cried, not caring where he was going, anywhere, anywhere but here.

He came to fix things with Chanyeol because he thought maybe it was something he did but it was because Chanyeol loved someone else?

Baekhyun heard of this.. Heartbreak, but never-ever has he thought it would hurt this bad.

He ran across the street not looking first, he heard the car honk and flash of lights and someone calling him.

The car hit him, and sent him flying. He was about to drift into never land when a giant came running towards his body on the floor.

"Baekhyun?! Baby?!" The giant cried out.

"Chan." Baekhyun replied weakly and fell unconscious.


Well, hope you guys like this.
Please continue to comment and vote.
Bye lovely humans <3

~ WE ALMOST HAD IT ~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin