~ Chapter 63 ~

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[Baekhyun's Perspective]

We finally reached Chanyeols room and I won't lie, I'm scared.

I'm scared of what's waiting for me on the other side.

I'm scared to see him, to see how he's doing.

Sehun pulled the door open and I saw him. Chanyeol.

He was lying peacefully on the bed with an oxygen mask on. You can hear him breath and see as his chest would rise and fall back down.

A tear escaped. Why wasn't it me? Why can't I be the one lying on this bed?

This was all my fault. If I was more patient this wouldn't have happened.

Sehun pushed me closer to Chanyeols bed and everything felt more realistic.

This isn't a dream. I'm not going to wake up next to Chanyeol and all of a sudden everything is alright.

This is a nightmare. A living nightmare, and no matter how hard you try to escape, it pulls you back.

"Sehun? Can I be with Chanyeol privately for awhile?" I asked the latter.

"Yeah, I needed to get some air anyway."

I hear the door closed behind me and in the room it was only me and Chanyeol.

I grabbed a hold of his cold hand that mysteriously felt warm when I held it.

"Chanyeol? Please wake up." I said, not wanting to cry yet. "I really need you. Not just me, Sehun needs you and everyone else too."

"You still have to take me to our date. We have to finish our date. We still have a future ahead."

I stopped for awhile to catch my breath. I didn't want to cry just yet. I didn't want to be weak. I have to be strong, for him and everyone else.

"We will be the happiest couple alive, and we will have kids and grow old together."

"I need you so fucking bad. You can't leave me." I choked as I finally let the tears out.

"I love you so fucking much, you
don't even know. I miss you so much too. I just got you back Channie, I can't lose you again."

Suddnely, I hear a long line of beeps and I didn't know what to do. I glanced up at the monitor and his heart beat resembled a straight line.

"DOCTOR!" I cried out, at this point nothing mattered more than him. "NURSE! ANYONE! SEHUN! PLEASE!! GOD!"

I continuously pressed the button to send help as I see a few people rush in.

A woman pulled me away as I saw the doctor try to revive Chanyeol.

Please. Whoever is listening. Chanyeol is all I have. I can't lose him. Not yet, not now, not here.


Hello beautiful humans
So I updated and it's been awhile
I'm so so sorry for making you guys wait
I love you guys soooo much!
please continue to vote and comment

~ WE ALMOST HAD IT ~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang