~ Chapter 47 ~

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[Third Person]

It was one of those days where Chanyeol actually went to school, he went to his seat and sat down.

A few moments later, he noticed a petite male walking in, he immediately noticed the dark circles, messy hair, and lost of weight.

"Baekhyun.." He quietly whispered to himself.

Class started and Chanyeol watched as the shorter male struggled to stay awake.

Baekhyun eventually gave in and fell asleep, Chanyeol sat there and stared in awe at the angelic face in front of him.

He admitted he missed the other male a lot.

Class finally ended after a good 45 minutes and Chanyeol quietly followed Baekhyun to the rooftop. He kept a good distance so the shorter male wouldn't notice. Chanyeol watched as Baekhyun broke into a million pieces. He wouldn't stop crying and he kept saying Chanyeols name.

Watching Baekhyun, Chanyeol began to break as well, he left the rooftop and walked to a bar.

He sat and ordered the strongest drink, he drank and drank until he couldn't remember his own name, only Baekhyun's.

"Baekhyun!" He yelled and yelled and yelled as if it was a language he spoke in.

The bartender suggested Chanyeol to go home because he was already too drunk but Chanyeol refused to listen. He continued to drink and blabber about Baekhyun, he told the bartender how cute Baekhyun was, how amazing he was and how Baekhyun was the most perfect human being on the planet.

After being completely drunk and spilling his feelings to the bartender, Chanyeol finally decides to go home.

He knocked on the door of his huge ginormous house, in which he thinks doesn't have to be that big considering the fact he was the only child of his now old parents.

Mrs. Park opened the door, not surprised to see a drunk Chanyeol outside.

"Drunk again?" She asked, not wishing to hear an answer from a drunk Chanyeol.

"Baekhyun?" The drunk male asked his mother. "Baekhyun."

Chanyeol then fell unconscious on the floor making his mother pull him to the couch.

"What do I do with you?" She asked herself. "Please forget Baekhyun already."


I'm starting to put my plan together and end this fanfic,
So please be patient and wait,
A few more chapters and I should be done,
Please continue to comment and vote,
Thank you!
Bye lovely humans <3

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