~ Chapter 57 ~

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[Chanyeols Perpsective]

That piece of shit he thinks he can hit on my wife? MY WIFE?!

'Kyung, keep an eye on them and if you see Taehyun making any moves stop him and report to me. Let your inner satan out.' I replied back.

"SeLu, we need to act quick. Taehyun is making his move." I told the couple as they were focused on this video they were watching.

"Did you just call us SeLu?" Luhan asked and giggled but I just stared back with disbelief.

I think he got the memo because he immediately stopped and put his straight face on.

"Ahem.  I thought he was out of the picture." Luhan clarified.

"For good." Sehun added.

"I thought that too but apparently we are wrong and he's trying to steal my bride." I said.

"Does he know you guys are married?" Sehun questioned.

"Yes, Taeyeon and Taehyun are cousins." I explained.

"I can't say I'm surprised to hear that." Luhan answered.

"What am I suppose to do? We have to hurry." I whined.

"I say we gather the boys." Sehun suggested.

"You think that's a good idea?" I asked.

"We all known each other for years. They won't back out, I know." Sehun replied.

"I'll gather my boys too." Luhan cheered.

"Good, we need all the help we can get right now." Sehun said.


I've been super busy, tired, and stressed.
I'm really sorry I haven't been updating,
A short update is better than no update,
I'll update again sometime this week,
Maybe tomorrow?¿
Please continue to vote and comment,
It's almost ending,
Bye lovely humans <3

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