~ Chapter 31 ~

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[Chanyeol's Perspective]

"Is he ok doctor?" I asked.

"Yes, he should be fine, he fainted due to stress and shock so please let him have plenty of rest."

"Yes. Thank you doctor." I said and bowed.

I rushed into Baekhyun's room and saw Taehyun sitting there.

"Taehyun? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"To visit and give him the love you lacked to give him."'

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"Did you know how much pain you were causing Baekhyun when you totally forgot about him while you were with Taeyeon?"

"I didn't forget about him! I was just catching up with an old friend."

"Ok then. Did you manage to update Baekhyun on anything? Did you mentioned Baekhyun to Taeyeon?"

"I did. You were there, on the rooftop."

"You were too late. You should've done it right after greeting Taeyeon."

"I have a life you know."

"And you also have a responsibility as a boyfriend."

"Ok, look here. I'm still young, so is he. We can meet with whomever we want. Plus shouldn't he have trust me?"

"Let's see if you would still say that if Baekhyun was clinging to another person, specifically, a girl."

"I don't quite understand where you are going.."

"Of course you don't. I should be happy to see you guys like this, why am I even helping you?"

"Why ask me? It's your brain."

"I'm done with you. I was going to end this game and give up but seeing you like this.. I can't trust Baekhyun with you."

"What do you mean you can't trust Baekhyun with me, bastard?"

"Hmph. Please observe more carefully to who the actual bastard in here is." Taehyun said and walked to the door.

"You know. I may lack a lot as Baekhyun's boyfriend however you should keep in mind that I truly love that kiddo with all my heart and soul and will never ever loose him to you."

"That's good then, I didn't want it to be too easy." He said and left.


Updated again because I got dem free time.

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