~ Chapter 20 ~

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[Chanyeols Perspective]

"I see I missed all the fun."

"Babe. Come here." I said pulling Baekhyun closer to me.

"Aw cmon Chanyeol. Stop ruining the fun." He reached out his hand and tried to touch Baekhyuns face.

"I told you to leave us alone did I not?" Luhan said and pushed Taehyuns hand.

"Bitch!" He said and slapped Luhan across the face.

"You asshole!" Sehun yelled and grabbed Taehyun by the collar.

"Guys! Stop!" Baekhyun said and tried to wiggle out of my grasp.

"Baby. Not right now." I whispered.

"Please. He wants me."

"I can't."

"Pft. You guys are pathetic." Taehyun said and ripped Sehun's grasp from his collar. "Give me Baekhyun back and I'll leave... forever."

"No. I can't hand him over."

"Yea. Never." Luhan added and came next to Baekhyun.

"Yea. What he said." Sehun said and went next to Luhan.

"Ok then. You brought this upon yourself." He said and walked away.

"I told you! I told you! I told you!" Baekhyun yelled while crying and hitting my chest rapidly.

"I'm sorry. I need you." I said and hugged him.

"But the others." He said and continued crying, not hitting my chest anymore.

"I'll protect them too. I know I was selfish but I can't loose you."

"How? You're only one person. How can you protect all of us?"  He replied looking up.

"What do you mean? (insert JB song here. jk.)" I smirked and looked at him. "Remember. I have a whole gang."

"That hates me. You know, they would totally protect me." He said with sarcasm.

"Not all of them hate you." I said awkwardly. "Besides, I'm pretty sure they'll grow to like you. Who wouldn't."

"Oh shut up. You're so naive." He said walking towards Luhan.

"Hey! Why are you so mean?"

"Are you ok cuz?" Baek asked Luhan.

Luhan just looked from me to Baekhyun and to me again to Baekhyun.

"Forget about the giant." Baek said.

"Yah! That hurt." I said putting my right hand on my heart.

"Suck it up." He replied and stick his tongue at me.


Hi Lovely Humans!!!
I updated. HAHAH. Anyway.... I'll be trying to update every... WEDNESDAY!
(Keyword- Trying) I seriously don't know where this story is going to go... So... Any advice or ... Anything?
See ya <3

~ WE ALMOST HAD IT ~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt