~ Chapter 58 ~

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[Satansoo's Perspective]

"Can you keep your hands off him." I said through gritted teeth as I see Baekhyun glancing at me from the corner of my eyes.

Taehyun slowly backed away but gave me this look as if he was planning my death.

A while later Taehyun began being all touchy again which irritated the living hell out of me.

"If I have to repeat myself one more time. I'm going to be taking Baekhyun home, far far far away from your touchy hands."

"They were just friendly gestures." He argued back. "No need to jump out of your seat."

"Friendly gestures? Bitch please. I'm sure as hell Baekhyun didn't think it was friendly gestures. I'm also sure he feels really uncomfortable with you touching him. He's married for gods sake."

"Psh, and I thought you were the shy kid." Taehyun mumbled but I could hear him.

"Well bitch you thought wrong, I'm Satan's son and I won't be afraid to skin you alive and feed you to the lions." I replied and it was good I listened to Chanyeol. I let my inner Satan out.


[Chanyeol's Perspective]

"Luhan. I give up. I'll just do it the lame way to get it over with." I told Luhan because we've been sitting at the same spot for 3 hours and we still haven't gone up with a unique way for me to propose.

"Seriously? You think I'd let you do that? I disapproved of you guys but still sat here for 3 hours and you want to give up?" Lay said and crossed his arms across his chest.

"For real man, it's been along time." Kai added in.

"How about we search online for ideas and combine the best ones together?" Luhan suggested.

"Babe, you're so smart." Sehun praised and kissed his boyfriend on the forehead.

"Took you long enough to come up with a good idea." I said jokingly.

"Just be thankful brat." Luhan replied and smacked me in the head.

"One problem guys..." Kris said all of a sudden, he looked puzzled and kiddish.

"What?" Suho asked.

"Searching online isn't my style.." He replied and earned a smack for Tao right in the head.

"Let's get started." Xiumin cheered.

"How bout we split into 2's and find as much information as we can?" I suggested.

"Alright how's this; Chen and Xiumin, Lay and Suho, Tao and Kris, Chanyeol and Kai, and Luhan and I." Sehun suggested.

"Alright, I'm cool with it." I said.

"Same." They all replied together.


Sorry for the super late update

I'll try and update faster next time.

Please continue to comment and vote.

I love you guys so much <3

Bye lovely humans.

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