~ Chapter 17 ~

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[Taehyun's Perspective]

I stood outside eavesdropping on the two lovely couples that I hate so dearly.

Did Chanyeol just say it's not Baekhyuns fault that they bullied me but it was fate?

Is there ever a day he doesn't make me hate him or...?

I left, frustrated and mad. I swear, I really want to kill him but that'll ruin the fun.

[Baekhyun's Perspective]

I lied there sniffing in Chanyeols scent. He smelt so familiar and close but yet so distant. Even though Chanyeol seems fine and alright on the outside, saying reassuring words to me, I know he's worried and scared inside. He's scared. Not of Taehyun, but of what can happen, at anytime, and anywhere.

I was also scared. Scared of Taehyun, and everything Chanyeol is scared of but maybe twice as much. Everything was going so smooth and now... it's just so overwhelming. I let a single tear drop from my eyes. I pulled Channie closer and nuzzle my head into his chest.

[Sehun's Perspective]

"Let's go visit Chanyeol to see if he's ok." I said as Luhan and I walked in the hall.

"Who's that by the door?" I asked as we got a little closer.

"I don't know." Luhan said. "Wait. Taehyun?"

The guy standing by the door turned.

"What are you doing here?" Luhan asked.

"Oh, Hello Luhan." The guy said.

"You know him?" I asked.

"Mhm. You see, I'm his cousin's... how to put in words. Lover?" The guy answered as if I asked him.

"Ex-Lover." Luhan added in. "Move on Taehyun. Baekhyun already found someone new that he loves dearly. You should do the same."

The guy looked at Luhan and smirked while giggling (very creepily if I may add). Luhan just glared back as a response.

"It would be best if you leave." I said. He looked at me questioningly (basically eye raping me).

"And never come back." Luhan added (again. Luhannie always adding things in.)

"Hmph. As if. I will make your lives a living hell." He said walked away.

"Fuck off. Leave him alone. He has been through enough. If you love him you would allow him to be happy not live in hell." Luhan managed to say.

The guy turned around.

"I would want him to be happy." He said and paused for a bit. "But not with someone else." He continued and left.


Hello there lovely humans <3 I finally updated after 5? 6? 7 days? Yay. I am having more free time on my hands so I can update however I need to use that time to study because I currently have 4 B's and I need to boost them to A's but I keep getting distracted because of 12 extremely hot guys, well 9 now. (But 12 in my heart) It's December 11 and like I'm so excited for Christmas and My birthday! WHOO HOO! 13 more days till I turn 14.

~ WE ALMOST HAD IT ~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt