~ Chapter 27 ~

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[Baekhyun's Perspective]

"He doesn't love you Baekhyun. He loves her. So come to me, give me a chance, I love you."

I glanced up at the voice and see Taehyun standing there.

"Go away. You don't know anything." I said.

"No. I know everything. He doesn't love you. He never did and he never will."

"That's bullshit." I said and cried. "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! Stop coming into my life."


"Why can't I live a happy, peaceful life with Chanyeol without getting bothered? Why can't you guys leave us alone? Why? Why us? Why do you keep going in between us..."

"What are you doing to Baekhyun, Taehyun?"

Chanyeol? He's here? Up here?

I looked up and see Chanyeol and smiled but it quickly vanished when I see Taeyeon behind him.

"Why don't you ask yourself what you did to Baekhyun?" Taehyun replied.

"What are you talking about?"

"I don't know. You tell me." He said and walked away.

"Baekhyun." Chanyeol said and ran to my side. "Baby you okay?"

I looked up at him and then Taeyeon.

*ahem* "Baby?" Taeyeon asked beside him.

"Oh yea. I forgot. Baekhyun this is my childhood friend, Taeyeon, and Taeyeon this is my girlfriend, Baekhyun."

I nudged Chanyeol. "I'm the boyfriend."

"Not in this relationship you're not."

I just rolled my eyes.

"Nice to meet you Baekhyun." She said and smiled.

"We met earlier." I replied with a poker face.

"Babe, no need to be cold." Chanyeol said.

"Whatever. As if you cared in the first place." I said and got up to walk back to class.

"Baekhyun." He said and I stopped for a brief second and continued walking.

"Just let him be." I can hear Taeyeon say.

"Alright." Chanyeol replied.

Wait. What? Chanyeol is suppose to be chasing after me but because of her he is not? I guess I am the worthless one when it comes to the two.

Tears began threatening me to fall off and I quicken my pace so I can get away from this place as soon as possible.

Maybe Taehyun was right. Maybe Chanyeol never loved me... and I guess he never will.


Updated. Hehe. Well.. So this happened.. And I hate myself for making my story even more complicated when it shouldn't have been.. oh wells.

Bye lovely humans <3

~ WE ALMOST HAD IT ~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora