~ Chapter 22 ~

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[Luhans Perspective]

How can I be so selfish. Protecting me and my cousin and hurting someone else. Sehun please forgive me. I slid down by the wall hugging my knee close to my chest and cried.

"How can I be so selfish!" I said to myself and kept on repeating it.

"How?" I cried and sobbed louder.

I tried to muffle my cries but it didn't work. I hated myself. Despised myself.

After a while I finally stopped crying and just sat there and let the wind hit my face. What was Sehun thinking? Like me? No. Love me?

"You're so dumb Oh Sehun!" I yelled.

I hated the world right now, for making me in this situation. Can I even blame the world?

"Fuck you." I cursed myself.

I sat there for quite a while before going to the restroom to clean up.

I went into Chanyeols room and the first person I laid eyes on was Sehun. He looked so hurt and depressed. He obviously looked like he cried.

"Where were you?" Baekhyun asked.

"I was in the restroom."

"For that long?" Chanyeol asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Constipation." I replied.

[Baekhyuns Perspective]

I can tell somethings up. Luhan is lying which means something happened and Sehun looked like he just cried a fucking ocean. Something is seriously up..

"You guys should go." I said since it was getting dark and Chanyeol needed to rest.

"I'm leaving first then." Sehun said and left for the door.

"Take me home too." Luhan said tugging at Sehuns shirt.

Sehun showed no response which is quite strange. He just looked at Luhan with no emotions in his eyes and continued to the door. Luhan quietly followed him.

[3rd Person Perspective]

The older followed the taller until they reached the parking lot.

"What are you doing?" The taller suddenly asked making the older shocked.

"I need you to take me home." The older said facing the ground.

"You think what I said was a joke? Why are you acting like nothing happened?" The younger said, raising his voice a little too much.

"It's not that."

"Then what? Huh? Tell me? Tell me now."

"I- I just.." The older started saying but couldn't finish.

"I just what? I just want to be friends? I just don't like you? I just don't love you? I JUST WHAT?"

The older started crying because the truth was he did love the younger, he didn't hate him. The older was too scared to admit to his heart, he was too confused to jump to conclusions about his feelings.

The younger walked away because he knew if he stayed he would break down too and comforting the other was not one of his options.

"I love you Oh Sehun." Luhan suddenly said making the younger stop in his steps. "I think I love you too. So don't you dare move another inch."

The younger turned around looking at the older to see if he was joking.

"You're kidding." Was Sehuns response.

"No. I think I really do love you."

The younger then went to the older, suffocating the older with his arms.

"I can't breathe." Luhans muffled voice said.

"Mianhe." Sehun said releasing the older.


Hello Lovely Humans <3
I'm updating a day earlier then I said I would because I have a project to do and I'm working on it tmrw with a friend so I know for sure I can't update. Anyway, I want to thank everyone that has been voting and supporting. I have a few people in mind I want to thank so on my next few updates I will have them acknowledge :3
Until my next update ~

~ WE ALMOST HAD IT ~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt