~ Chapter 12 ~

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[Chanyeols Perspective]

"Okay, so... The first mission is getting Luhan and Sehun together." Baekhyun said.

"How exactly.." I asked despite the pain I'm feeling right now. Ever since I woke up this morning I felt sick to my stomach and my body ached everywhere.

"I don't know. Isn't thats why we're here?" Baekhyun replied.

"Right... so... what ..." I managed to say. I was too tired to think. Even though I know I'm a big guy I felt weak and small for some reason.

"Chanyeol are you kidding me? We are suppose to plan and think together not just me."

"Can't you just plan it and we can do the other stuff together later?"

"Then what's the point of doing it together?"

"I don't know but I'm not in the mood right now. Ok?" I said hoping he would understand.

"Then why are you here?"

"Because you told me to come here..?" I needed to show up so you wouldn't be worried and wonder where I am.

"If you're not going to help you might as well leave."He said and moved to a different table.

"So that means I can leave right?" I needed to throw up but I can't do it here in front of Baekhyun. He would be worried and then he would be sick.

"Alright then bye. Ill talk to you later ok?" I said after he didn't reply.

I quickly ran to the bathroom as fast as I could and threw up. What's wrong with me today?

"Chanyeol. Are you ok?" I shaky voice behind me said and right then I knew who it was.

[Baekhyuns Perspective]

"Alright then bye. I'll talk to you later ok? He said and ran off. How can he just leave like that? Did he really not want to do this with me? I quickly ran after him and saw he went to the restroom. I quietly went behind him and next thing I knew he threw up. What's happening? Is he sick? How could I be such a jerk when he's like this?

"Chanyeol. Are you ok?" I asked afraid. Why is he like this? He looked so strong and healthy, how can he be sick? He turned around and looked at me without saying anything which seemed like forever.

"I don't know. I don't know if I'm ok or not. I don't even know why I'm like this." He weakly said and turned back around to throw up again.

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