~ Chapter 50 ~

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[Third Person Perspective]

It was getting closer to Chanyeols wedding date yet he hasn't gone to any dates with Taeyeon, not even one.

He thinks of her as a stranger. After all these years that they have known each other, he had never thought he would hate her this much.

Mr. Kim would be coming over tonight to discuss the wedding and Chanyeol could careless.

*Chanyeol dials Luhan's number*

"Hello?" Luhan answered on the other line.


"Chanyeol, what's up?"

"How's Baekhyun?"

"Been the same."

"It won't be healthy if he keeps this up."

"He won't listen."

"Please help him." Chanyeol begged the other.

"I'm trying my best."

"Thank you, Luhan."

"It's the least I can do."

"I have got to go. Bye..."


Chanyeol sighed and plopped down in his bed.

Why isn't life on his side? Why is everyone happy but him and Baekhyun? "What's so wrong about their relationship?"

[Chanyeols Perspective]

*Ding Dong*

'Must be Mr. Kim.' I thought to myself and walked down the stairs.

"Good evening, Mr. Kim." I said as i opened the door.

"You too son." The older man replied and walked in without being invited in. I cringed at him because I was not his son and nor will I ever be.

"Mr. Kim." My parents greeted him. "Taeyeon, you're here too."

I turn around to see her standing beside her father. I scoffed and walked into the kitchen, sitting there as I waited for the other 4 to come in.

We were all gather around the dining table. We ate and talked about the wedding in which I had no interest in.

"What do you think, son-in-law?" Mr. Kim asked me.

"Son-in-law? Mr Kim, i would like you to understand that I am not your son-in-law, even if you force this marriage on us, I will never love your daughter because I have only 1 person in my heart and that person is not your daughter. Now, will you excuse me, I'll be in my room." I told him and marched up my room.

"Chanyeol! Park Chanyeol!" My mother yelled after me but I continued up the stairs.

"Please excuse my son's rudeness." My father apologized.


[Baekhyuns Perspective]


"Luhan your phone." I told him as the phone vibrated on the table.

"Ooh thank you, I'll be right back."

I followed Luhan because I had this feeling I had to.

"Hello?" Luhan answered the other line.


"Chanyeol, what's up?" Chanyeol? Why is he calling Luhan?

"How's Baekhyun?"

"Been the same." What are they talking about?

"It won't be healthy if he keeps this up."

"He won't listen." Who are they talking about now?

"Please help him." Chanyeol begged the other.

"I'm trying my best."

"Thank you, Luhan."

"It's the least I can do."

"I have got to go. Bye..."


I quickly ran back inside the kitchen so Luhan doesn't suspect anything. I need more, more information. I need to understand what is going on. I want to know what's wrong with our relationship.


Yo what's up,
I updated for y'all,
Even though it took me like forever.
Hope you like it.
Please continue to vote and comment
Bye lovelies <3

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