The Person You Are Calling Is Unavailable.

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Liam and Louis looked at each other then at Simon. Should they tell him? And what if Niall didn't want anyone else to know?  "Oh, the Interview" Louis said quickly " I don't think Niall is up to it but Management are insisting." He hoped that Simon  would take it at face value and not delve  further into what he'd overheard.He breathed a quiet sigh of relief when Simon seemed to accept his answer.

"Where is Niall?" Simon asked as he looked around, not seeing the small, blond man anywhere.

"Sleeping" Liam responded " The Interview we did with 'Sunshine Mornings' really rattled him and  we decided to let him rest while we dealt with Management. He's not feeling the greatest right now."

"Ah, yes. Stephen and I had quite the conversation" Simon said coolly. "The Interview bombshell being part of it. I wanted to know where the leak came from "

"Did you find out ?" Liam wanted to know.If anyone could get information from Management, it would be Simon.

"I'd rather not discuss that right now. I gather you have been given your Twitter instructions and also what you are expected to say at tomorrow's Interview. I'd like to see them , please" Simon held out his hand and Louis reluctantly handed him the paperwork. Simon sat down and read it all carefully. "And will Niall be attending ?" he wanted to know.

"Management said that he had to be there" Louis confirmed but he didn't sound very happy about the idea.

"I think he should go" Simon said then stood up  "I need to smoke. Louis, how about you join me" And he walked out of the french doors onto Niall's decking, followed by Louis, who  slid them closed behind them . Harry and Liam  watched them carefully through the glass . Both men appeared in deep conversation and it was a serious one judging by their facial expressions. Louis was shaking his head vehemently then Simon put his hand on Louis' shoulder and appeared to be  trying to persuade him about something. Louis kept shaking his head then walked away from Simon and stood staring across the lawn as if deep in thought as he smoked. Eventually he turned and Harry and Liam saw him slowly nod at Simon who smiled slightly in acknowledgement, They watched as  Simon then put his hand into his pocket and withdrawing a slip of paper , handed to the young man facing him. Louis looked down at the paper he now held in his own hand and frowned before raising his eyes to Simon. who nodded briefly in response to Louis' questioning look. The two men then finished their cigarettes but it looked like all conversation had been ended. Both Harry and Liam were left wondering what had just taken place.

"Right" Simon said as he and Louis entered the room. "About those Tweets, I want you all to post them. They'll fit in well. As to what you will say at the Interview, stick to the initial answers to the questions and then when you are asked the more detailed questions, I have  told Louis what to say. Please leave it to him."

"Si, Louis is as about as tactful as a Hippo in ballet shoes" Liam was worried. Louis was known to be rather outspoken and he didn't want things get worse. They were already bad enough.

"Leave it to Louis" Simon's tone made it clear  that he didn't think the subject should be up for debate.


"No. Please just do as I ask, Liam. Now, I'll see you boys there tomorrow" Simon nodded to them and left. The moment the door closed behind him Liam and Harry pounced on Louis, wanting to know exactly what he and Simon had been talking about in the garden. Louis brushed all their questions aside, saying they hadn't been talking about anything important.

"And you expect us to believe that?" Harry wanted to know. Why wasn't Louis telling them anything? And why was Simon so bent on Louis being the one to take over answering the more important questions?

"Lou ?" Liam decided he'd try.

"Any response from your DMing , Liam ?" Louis changed the subject abruptly. Liam said that he hadn't had any answer at all and none of Harry's contacts had been able to help either. Louis sighed internally. It looked like other people held all the cards now. Maybe there was a chance he could stop it himself. He made his decision."I'm going out" Louis said quickly and grabbed his hoodie " I'll be back later". He then hurried out , leaving Liam and Harry staring after him.

Louis got into the car and drove away, his mind processing everything Simon had told him. He was stunned when Simon told him that he knew all about the phone call that Niall had received and he knew about Niall's strong  opposition to the plan.Simon was  also aware that the other three  boys didn't want the plan to go into operation, that they were desperately searching for an alternative but he was adamant  that it was for the best. Louis pulled into Starbucks and got a coffee to go whilst he prepared himself to follow Simon's instructions. He sat there in thought for a few moments more then pulled out his phone. Looking at the slip of paper Simon had given him, Louis carefully keyed in the number he had been given to call. He shut his eyes as he listened to the connection go through and he heard the ringing . Half of him wished there would be no answer. But if nobody answered, how could he beg them to listen to him?  He was about to hang up when  the call was finally answered.


"It's Louis. Simon gave me this number. Look, you can't do this. Niall doesn't want this. You have to listen"

"Sorry, but I am going to do it. And you can't stop me. You can try  but it's still going to happen, one way or another" .

"NO!' Louis shouted down the phone. "Please, don't do this to Niall"

"Look, I'm not doing anything to Niall, I'm doing it for  Niall . Look I have to go. You are all going to have to trust me".

"I'm begging you". Louis now sounded desperate but the line had already  gone  dead . Louis dropped his head so it rested on his steering wheel. After taking a few deep breaths he redialled the number 

'The person you are calling is unavailable. Please try later'. The phone had been switched off, it was final.

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