"It's Time, Niall"

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Niall laughed as his  great -grandson ran away from his daddy who was trying to get the little one dry after pulling him from the bathtub ."  Daideo Niall  save me!" the little boy yelled as he headed straight for Niall's arms.

"I got you, Odhran" Niall giggled "The towel monster shan't have you". He pulled the tiny two year old into his arms as his panting daddy flopped down next to them both, exhausted from chasing the rambunctious toddler.

"You Ok, Daideo  ?"   his grandson Cathal  asked as he looked up at Niall. "You're very quiet today".

"I'm an old man, I'm allowed to be tired" Niall responded giving his grandson a cheeky grin. " Here, that this little monkey, I have things I need to do." He passed over the little boy who now was sucking his thumb and yawning as tiredness overtook him. "I'll see you at dinner". Niall stood stiffly and walked towards the front door, letting himself out".

The Cemetery was quiet at this time of day and Niall soaked in the peace and quiet of the early evening. Once he'd reached the place he'd been heading for, he lowered himself down between the graves of the two women he'd loved so much, his Caoimhe and his Jacey. Time had been good to him, he thought as he arranged the bouquets of flowers he'd brought. He'd been blessed with so much in his life...wives, children, grandchildren and now  a great grandchild. But he was tired now, so tired.

The light began to fade and Niall knew it was time to head home. Home to the house that had held so many memories and would hold even more with the passing of time.His home was always filled with love and laughter, the sound of children, voices of those he loved so much. He got to his feet and walked away, turning to blow kisses to the women who waited for him to join then when it was his time. "Love you" he whispered then returned to his car.

Niall sat quietly in his study after dinner, looking at all the pictures that surrounded him, both on his desk and covering the walls. He grinned at one particular one from when he, Louis,Harry,Liam and Zayn had found out they were to be made into a band. He felt that same joy again. It had been a wonderful time and he had loved having those boys as his brothers.Their friendships had been tested throughout the years but the bonds never truly broke. They were brothers still. His eyes moved then onto pictures of Caoimhe and Jacey, so different from each other but so much the same in that they gave him as much love as he had given them. Then his children, Aoife and Louis, with their children, his grandchildren. And now his great grandchild, his little Odhran. Yes, he had been truly blessed.

Niall climbed into his bed, weary from the day. He ruffled his still thick hair, now white with age,  then stretched as he yawned. He was tired and needed to sleep. He laid down, turning to face the window where soft rain was pattering against the glass,  then closed his blue eyes.His dreams were happy ones these days . He saw Caoimhe and Jacey standing before him, arms held out in welcome "It's time, Niall" they whispered to him and he smiled as he walked towards them, not looking back. 

Thank you for reading.

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