Just Keeping Promises

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The combination of physical and emotional exhaustion along with the sedation he had been given, kept Niall asleep until the next morning. It was only the arrival of his new nurse that pulled him out of the most refreshing sleep he had experienced in months. He couldn't recall having slept this well since before Zayn had left the band nearly nine months ago. He stretched his arms up above his head only to feel some pain in his hand as the canula was jiggled by the movement. He stopped abruptly, cursing quietly.

"Good morning, Niall. Ready to have some breakfast?" His nurse smiled at him as she placed a tray on the table by his bed. "I expect you'd like to use the bathroom first so I'll just unplug you" She swiftly disconnected the IV and helped Niall sit up then swing his legs over the side of the bed. The movement made him dizzy and he closed his eyes as he fought down a sudden wave of  nausea. "Steady, love" the nurse cautioned him. "Just stay there a few moments then you should be good to go". Niall took some deep breaths  then finally stood up feeling more than a little shaky. The nurse took his arm and gently led him across to the adjoining bathroom where she left him to attend to his needs whilst she tidied up his bed. Once he had reappeared, she then helped him get comfortable in the bed and swung the table across. "Try and eat as much as possible,love. You need to build your strength back up." She smiled at him kindly and left him to eat.

Niall had only had a few mouthfuls when he suddenly had a vague memory of the nurse saying she had found something in his bed. His eyebrows pulled together as he tried to remember what it was. He remembered she had something in her hand but he couldn't remember what. He turned his eyes to study the top of the locker, next to his bed. A white envelope was there with his name scrawled across it. There was something familiar about it but he couldn't pinpoint what was  nudging his memory. He pushed his breakfast aside and reached for the letter.

Back at Louis' home, the other three members of One Direction were also having breakfast . They held a desultory conversation as they ate, none of them being particularly morning people. They had had a late night as well which wasn't helping. Even two cups of strong coffee hadn't stirred any of them into action. Louis had folded his arms on the table and was resting his head on them when his phone began to buzz signalling an incoming text. He ignored it, too tired to respond. It buzzed again. And again. Sighing he picked it up. Finally, he thought, it must be Zayn. He quickly checked the ID  of the sender and frowned. Why was Management texting him? Contact was usually through Liam as he tended to be the most level headed member when it came to Management. Louis was usually far too  outspoken and often in trouble because he had sassed Stephen in some way or upset the lower Management levels with his attitude towards their  instructions . They could hardly blame him, he stood up for himself and he had no plans on stopping. He opened the text

"Mr Tomlinson, report to Modest Offices at 11am this morning. Please keep your visit here confidential and do not discuss this with any of the band. "

Louis felt his stomach flip over. This wasn't good. What could Management possibly want with him that couldn't be discussed with the others? He wracked his brains as he thought about the last few months, trying to remember everything he had said or done that might have caused Management to get annoyed. He knew they couldn't prove that the picture taken at the airport had been him and Zayn. Both of them had been far too careful. Hoodies covered hair and faces, tattoos were all covered. There was nothing to give away their identities. They hadn't even mentioned each others names as far as he could remember. He cast his mind back to that day. No, neither had said the others name. They had just hugged hello and then walked to Louis' car. They hadn't  spoken again until Louis had started driving. So it couldn't be that.  He looked at his watch. He had two hours.

"Guys, I have a few errands to run this morning." Louis said as he picked up his car keys ready to leave. ""Tell Ni , I'll be along after lunch, will you"

"Yeah, will do" Harry replied "Could you pick up some Nados for him when you come? He hates that hospital food and I can't see them  wanting to discharge him if he's not eating"

"On my list!" Louis gave them both a casual wave and went out to his car. He was finding it hard to concentrate on the road as his thoughts kept going back to trying to work out what possible reason Management wanted to see him. And why just him? He pulled up outside the building and parked up.

"Hi Louis" Stephen's secretary, Sam, gave him a bright smile. "You'd better go straight in" Louis thanked her and ,after tapping briefly on the door of Stephen's office, he walked in.

"Ah, Mr Tomlinson" Stephen looked up from some papers on his desk and smirked at Louis. "I am sure you are wondering why you have been summoned here?" . Louis shrugged. He tried to look unconcerned but there was something about the smirk on Stephen's face that hinted of trouble." You remember your last visit here?" Stephen's voice dripped with venom . Louis frowned as he thought  back to that day , then his eyes widened in horror. "I see you do" Stephen purred, his grin looking more and more nasty. "I recall telling you then, Mr Tomlinson, that you hadn't heard the last of it. Time to pay for your insolence and pay you will." Louis felt his heart sink.

"Are you threatening me?" Louis kept his voice calm and even in tone although he could feel his heart racing.

"Threats? Oh no, Mr Tomlinson. I am just keeping some promises I made. Have a seat. I don't think this will take long ." Stephen leaned back in his chair and smiled nastily at the young man sitting opposite him. " Now..................................

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