Please Just Leave Me Alone

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"Harry, how are you? Where are the other two?" Simon strode into Niall's hospital room where Harry was sat quietly reading to pass the time away until Liam and Niall returned.

"Errrh...Niall vomited up blood. They've taken him down to have an endoscopy to see if they can find out why. Li went with him to help keep it calm and I'm here waiting for them to return...and you..naturally." Harry smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. He was so worried about Niall. Both men looked up as the door suddenly swung open and two porters entered, pushing  a gurney that bore a sleepy Niall, up to the side of the bed. They gently lifted him up onto the bed as Niall's nurse arrived with Liam.

"If you gentlemen could wait outside? I'll just get Niall settled back in and then you can come back. I'll be about half an hour or so  if you want to go get drink or something. Liam, you too." the nurse said as Liam hesitated at the door. He was reluctant to leave Niall but knew he had to stay out of the way. All thee  men then headed down to the hospital canteen.

"At least it gives me a chance to catch up with everything happening with Niall. How's Louis, by the way?" Simon wanted to know.

"Not spoken to him since I left the house, " Harry said" Actually, Si, would you mind if I go check on him?"

"Not at all. Come back as soon as you can though. I'd like to discuss Louis' situation without him around, if that's OK. I want to update you on a few things. I think you'll approve of what I have already set in motion" Simon smiled grimly. Nobody was going to attack his boys.

The nurse put a new canula into the back of  Niall's right hand and set up the IV. He had become extremely dehydrated due to being constantly sick and this needed to be addressed urgently. It would also allow medication to be administered without disturbing  Niall too much. Carefully checking all was in order, she switched on the pump and adjusted the flow before moving onto the next task. There was a brief tap on the door and an orderly came in pushing another IV stand and carrying  what looked like a tiny cooler box in the other. which he pushed up to the side of the bed before handing the nurse the box. 

"Doctor Miller said to tell you that it has been cross-matched and checked so you are good to go. He'll be with you himself in a few minutes." the orderly then left the room leaving the nurse to finish setting up the equipment that would send some much needed blood into Niall's frail body. Taking the  sack of blood out of the cooler box, she carefully hung it on the stand and  attached it to the canula , then switched on the pump , allowing  the blood to slowly drip down. Satisfied it was all flowing smoothly, she then turned her attention to making sure her patient was  comfortable and warm.



"How are you feeling now?" Niall dragged his eyes open and gave the nurse one of his sweet smiles.

"OK, I guess. Sleepy. Am I done?"His voice was raspy as a result of the endoscopy.

"Yes, sweetheart, you are.  Just have a little sip of water to sooth your throat then why not go to sleep. You'll feel so much better when you wake up" . She handed Niall a sippy cup of water, allowing him a small drink before taking it away. Niall gave her another smile in response  as he lay back against his pillows , his eyelids fluttering  shut. The nurse smiled down at him then finished the last of her remaining  tasks. She couldn't suppress a grin as she  slid the catheter in, remembering the fuss he had made last time.He wasn't going to be happy when he realised it had been done but she had to follow doctors orders.

Doctor Miller gave his young patient a brief examination. Everything seemed in order . Now they had found out what was making Niall so ill, they had to find out what caused it in the first place. He had a feeling that was going to be more difficult than actually treating the problem. He left the room, deep in thought.

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