My Honey Child

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It was a warm spring day. Being from Ireland, that was unusual. I decided to make the most of my surroundings as I would be moving to Truro soon. My dad, David, recently was offered a job there as a carer for a disabled boy called Colin. My mother, Sandra, was completely against moving. She had grown up in Ireland and vowed to die in Ireland. Because of this, they fought a lot. I left the house whenever I could because within 10 minutes of their conversations, hell would break out. Today was no different.

My mother had been making dinner when my dad came home. He had been signing papers for the job. Since he told us, there has not been a word about it in my house. "I finished signing the papers. All we have to do is pack and then fly out there and then hello to our new life!" My dad said, excited. He had been unemployed for 3 years. My mother stopped stirring the pot of soup. She put the spoon down and left the kitchen. "Hey, Meggie," my dad said using his nickname for me. "She'll lighten up soon, love, I promise", he said, giving me a hopeful smile. My dad followed my mother upstairs to see if she was okay.

I took this time to leave the house. Because I was fifteen, I left without permission as my parents didn't really mind. I went outside looking out at the scene in front of me one last time. There was a certain melancholy about the place but all in all I was glad to leave. Ireland had been good to me, blessed me with friends and family, but I had a strong feeling Truro would be better. I went back inside after a long walk around my neighbourhood.

When I arrived home I was met with my mother smiling at my dad, just like she used to. "Megan, love, pack your bags, we're going to Truro tomorrow!" My dad said smiling. I jumped up and down with happiness and proceeded to run upstairs. I ran into my brothers Anthony and Lee's room. "Ant, Lee, pack your bags!" I shouted into their room. I grabbed a bag and packed it full of my stuff. I went to bed at 10 that night as I had a flight to catch early the next morning.

Title came from the song the March of The Black Queen.

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