We've Got The Power To Love

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I woke up the next morning and looked to my right. Roger was fast asleep on his back. His mouth was slightly opened and his arms were sprawled out over his head.

I smiled as I saw him, and I gently ran my fingers through his blonde hair, which was sticking up from sleeping.

Eventually I got out of bed and went into the kid's room. They were already awake, but they said they didn't want to get up just yet, because they usually waited for their dad.

I went downstairs by myself to make breakfast for us all. I was thinking of making a fry up, all the breakfast foods Roger liked.

I went over to the sink and saw a note taped to the tap.

"Water flows like my love for you,
Go to the fridge for note number two."

I smiled at the note and went to the fridge.

"Along with you I love our kids,
Go on upstairs to see their grins."

I started walking upstairs and saw another note. 

"Get them dressed to celebrate,
You and I have a special date."

And so, I went upstairs and went to the kid's room. Both of them were waiting for me at the door, holding a note each. I opened Aidans first.

"I want you to know I love you more,
Than words could ever say."

And Ellys read:

"I always will, forever more
No matter what life throws our way."

The kids gave me a smile and then pointed to mine and Rogers bedroom.

I took their hands, and walked them in with me, to find Roger in a shirt and tie, on his knees, holding a black box out to me with a silver diamond ring in it.

I felt tears in my eyes as the kids pushed me towards him.

He handed me a note.

"Oh my dear I thank you for loving me,
To show our love, please, will you marry me?"

I put my hand over my mouth and looked at Roger again, nodded, and then he stood up and put the ring on my finger, kissing me gently. 

I gave him a hug and he swayed me.

"Guess you're my fiancee now?" He whispered into my ear.

I nodded, stuck for words. I couldn't believe what was happening. He was amazing.

"How could you afford the ring?" I asked, after we stopped hugging, wiping my eyes.

"Never you mind." He said, putting my hair behind my ear.

We both looked towards the kids and they were smiling, and Luke had made his way into our room, standing beside his big brother and sister.

After I collected my emotions, we all went downstairs and got breakfast. Roger made most of it, and we all shared a wonderful family moment. All the bad things that had happened to us made us appreciate these times more.

After a while, Freddie came in and sat at the table with us.

"Where were you? I thought you stayed last night?" Asked Roger, turning on the kettle for Freddie.

"I was.... out." He replied.

"Out.... where?" I asked. I was worried for Freddie, I didn't want him to go to a dark place again.

"Oh, don't worry darling. Just out and about. Nothing to fret over." He told me and I left it.

With the concert at Montreal nearing, Roger and the guys were rehearsing a lot more, and he wasn't home very often. So myself and the kids went to see him rehearsing.

They were all mostly concerned with what they were going to wear more than anything else.

During the guitar solo rehearsal that Brian was doing, Freddie was chatting to me.

"Did you know neckerchiefs are in at the moment?" He asked.

"No, I didn't. I haven't seen many people wear them. Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah. Everyone's wearing them. I think we should for the concert..."

"Good luck getting Roger to wear one of those.." I said with a giggle.

"Getting Roger to wear what?" Roger asked, popping his head around the corner.

"A neckerchief." Freddie told him.

"Oh yeah. Everyone's wearing those aren't they? I think I will wear one." He said, looking towards me and I laughed.

Later on in the week, tensions became high between the band members.

"No, no, no.... that's not such a good idea...." I heard Brian say as I walked in to see them rehearsing a few days later.

"Why not? I don't see any problem with it." Roger protested.

Roger and Brian were standing across from each other, arms folded.

"What's wrong?" I asked, cautiously.

I didn't get an answer so I turned to Freddie. He was reading a magazine, minding his own business.

"Oh... they're just arguing. Not a surprise." He told me.

I sat beside him and watched the argument get worse.

"Well, I care!" Roger screamed.

I hadn't been paying much attention to their argument at this stage; I was too busy listening to Freddie talking to me about Germany.

"Just cause you care doesn't mean that the audience does!" Brian screamed back.

"Well, they all have to listen to your shitty solo, so I don't understand your problem with a three minute timpani solo!" Roger shouted.

"Forget it!" Brian huffed and left the stage where the equipment was set up.

Roger came over to me and sat beside Freddie and I.

"I'm going to kill him." He said, closing his eyes and clenching his fists.

"Just relax." I told him, rubbing his back.

That night, we all had a flight out to Montreal for the concert and I went to bed early. Roger joined me a few minutes later and passed out asleep almost straight away.

I lay on my side, close to falling asleep, when Rogers lips were on my cheek and then he turned on his side and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Goodnight, my fiancee, for the second time." He whispered with a giggle.

"Goodnight..." I mumbled back, already nearly asleep.

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