Thinking My Thoughts, Nothing Much To Say

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Disclaimer: There's going to be a touchy subject in this next chapter and if you're any way sensitive, skip this. Thanks.

**Rogers POV**

I drove Megan home from the courthouse and collected the kids on the way. She didn't even acknowledge the fact that I had pulled up at Sharon's house, she didn't get out of the car, she didn't do anything. She just sat and stared into space.

The journey home was quiet, only the faint hum of the car to be heard. Every time I glanced over at Megan, her eyes were still fixated on something but nothing at the same time, her hands rested on her lap, her expression emotionless.

We pulled up to the house and I unloaded the kids out of the car and they ran into the house.

I waited for a second and frowned slightly because Megan hadn't got out yet. Her door finally opened and she shuffled into the house, not acknowledging me or anything around her.

I shut the front door and watched her slowly take tedious steps up the stairs, one step only every few seconds.

Both the kids and I watched her with a great deal of confusion.

"What's wrong with mummy?" Aidan asked me.

"She's just tired, little man. And I'm sure you guys are too. Come on, up to bed."

The kids groaned and sighed, walking up the stairs as I followed them. Luke stopped on the step and put his arms in the air.

I noticed his eyes were droopy and I lifted him up and put him into his little bed as the twins ran into theirs.

I stroked Luke's hair as he closed his eyes.

Tears formed in mine as I thought about how if he hadn't been so lucky, Ben could have taken his life too.

Luke should have a brother, someone he could have shared everything with. It wasn't fair.

I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand and kissed his forehead.

I only realised how long I had been in Luke's room when I saw Elly and Aidan fast asleep already. I turned their light off and closed the door.

I sighed heavily and closed my eyes, scared to open my bedroom door, to see the state Megan was in.

I slowly pushed on it, as it wasn't fully closed and found her lying on her side on the bed, her eyes open, not even under her covers.

She still had her dress and glasses on. She just stared, nothing happening.

I walked behind her and got dressed into my pyjamas to get into bed, hoping she would too but she didn't.

I pulled the covers over me and she still didn't even jerk.

I tried to stay awake for her but soon my eyes were closing and I fell asleep.

I woke in the middle of the night, like I so often did, and glanced to my right. To my shock and horror Megan was still wide awake, staring, not out of her clothes yet. It made me feel sick.

"Baby..." I said, sitting up. "Let's get you out of these clothes...."

I pulled her up and she sat up, with little motivation.

I took her glasses off and unzipped her dress, pulling it off her and handed her the pyjamas she left neatly folded at the end of the bed.

She held them in her hands and looked at me, dumbfounded.

"I'll help you." I told her.

I stood her up and put the top over her head.  However, when I tried to put the bottoms on, she started screaming.

"Shh... shh! It's okay. Shhh... you'll wake the kids!" I said, sitting on the bed and pulling her onto my knee.

She stopped screaming and instead started sobbing loudly in my arms, her face buried in my chest, tears staining my t-shirt.

I rocked her back and forth.

"It's okay baby... it's okay..." I whispered, trying to calm her down. I pulled her head off my chest and put her into the bed, placing the cover over her.

I walked around the other side of the bed and got in too.

"Come here..." I whispered, and she scooted over, turned around and cuddled up into me.

I closed my eyes, completely confused and unfortunately oblivious to what was going on in her head.

The next morning, I woke up and she was no longer in bed. I got worried and ran down the stairs to thankfully find her sitting at the table in the kitchen.

Her eyes were all red and she was staring again, only this time she realised I was here.

"Morning..." I said, cautiously.

"Hi.." she mumbled, her voice hoarse from all the crying she had done.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Look, we can go to the courthouse again, get another hearing--"

"No use." She said.

"Megan, as long as we don't let him into our house, we'll be okay. Even the parole managers said he got help. He won't touch the kids. We won't let him."

"I'm not as worried about them." She replied, monotone.

"Then, why are you so upset?"

She looked me dead in the eyes.

"Is it about me? Baby you know I'm able to protect myself. You don't have to wor--"

"Roger, there's something else. Something I haven't told you."

"What?" I asked, sitting at the table beside her.

"What happened? What's wrong?" I asked, noticing her eyes had become distant again.

She reached out for my hand, staring straight ahead and I quickly grabbed hers.


She turned and looked at me, then dropped her gaze to the floor.

"Ben raped me."

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