You're Afraid Of Me

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March 30th 1975

**Rogers POV**
I couldn't sleep all night. I was so confused and hurt about everything that had happened that day. Why would Megan kiss Brian. I thought she loved me. She said she did, many times but why would she kiss Brian if she did? I couldn't figure it out.

I got into bed first that night because I was completely exhausted from all the fighting. I know what I can be like. That fight could have went on all night. However I decided to put a stop to it before we broke up for good. I knew I had to stay with Megan because of the kids but then again, I did still love her.

It was about 3 am and I looked to my right but Megan wasn't in bed beside me. The twins were in their cribs. She must have been downstairs. I decided to go down to her, to make sure she was okay. She wasn't in sight.

I started to panic. Where was she? Maybe she went to shops? But not at 3 am. Maybe she was with Brian. That made me livid so I brushed that thought aside. I phoned Brian, Freddie, Mary, Sharon, everyone who knew Megan but she wasn't with them. Sitting on the table was a letter addressed to me in her handwriting.

Dear my darling Roger,
I'm sorry for all the pain that I caused you and I have decided to leave before I cause any more. I'm not who I thought I was, I'm not the nice person who I convinced myself of being. You said it yourself, I'm not. So before I cause any more heartache I'm moving back to Ireland. I've left the twins behind because I honestly think they would be better off without me. If you can't handle them alone, then by all means, bring them to Ireland. They deserve better than me as a mother. You don't have to stay single after this. Date whoever you want. I'm not going to force you to stay with me across the sea. I'm sorry but this is the way it has to be. I can't be your wife any more because I'm not a good one. You and Elly Mae and Aidan deserve better and I'm giving you the opportunity to find the better person out there for you.

I will love you forever.
A note for Elly Mae and Aidan when they grow up: I promise I love you with all my heart. You are my children and always will be. I'm sorry I have to do this to you.

Megan Michelson

I felt tears pouring down my cheeks. It hurt how she didn't sign with "Megan Taylor" but she used her maiden name of Michelson. I couldn't figure out how she could just leave like that. She was leaving us behind. I was so hurt.

I called Brian. I was angry at him still for bringing Megan to his house but I let it go in case he knew anything about her. "Brian come over quickly please." I said. "Who is this? Is it Megan? Are you okay?" "No! Its Roger." "Oh sorry Rog. What's wrong?" "Megan's gone bri." Silence. "What?!" "Yeah, she left me and note and everything saying she went to Ireland." "I'll be over in a minute." He hung up.

I paced around the kitchen waiting for Brian's arrival. I wonder if he knew that Megan told me about their kiss. He walked in the door. Knocking was not nessecary at a time like this. Either were words. I handed him the note Megan left. After he read it he had an angry look on his face. "Do you know how much of a fool you are Taylor?" He asked. I didn't answer. I knew I was. "You pushed her so far that she actually left. You're an idiot Roger! An idiot. She's gone now and it's your fault....." Brian continuted to talk crap but I wasn't listening. I had to go and get Megan back. I had to go to Ireland. "......she'll never come back now, thanks to you and-" "Brian shut up for two seconds please!" I said. "How would you feel about coming to Ireland with me to get her?" Brian nodded in approval. "Right." I looked at the twins. "Umm, Freddie!" I ran down the road as fast as I could until I reached Freddies house. "Hey Freddie, please can you please take care of the the twins for a few hours please please?" I asked when he answered. "Yeah of course dear, why?" "Megan ran away..." I said sadly. "Oh well I'll mind them no problem." Said Freddie. "Thanks so much." I said and then I ran back to the house, hopped into my car and Brian got in the passenger side. "Where is she?" He asked. "Most likely her parents." I started the car and drove onto the main road. "Why did she leave?" He asked. "You read the letter too, that's all I know." We didn't talk for the majority of the journey. However there was something annoying me and I had to get it off my chest. "So was Megan with you last night?" I asked, I wanted to see if he would tell the truth. "Yeah, why?" "Just wondering." "Roger, I kissed her." "Yeah I know she told me. Why?" I asked. "Well she kissed me. She stopped it though. Said she couldn't do it." I nodded. "Its fine. All that matters is that we get her back. If we get her back." Brian put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry Roger, we will." I understood why Megan went to him after we fought: he was so supportive.

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