You Just Won't Believe Me

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The next morning, only several hours later I was awake again, restless in my bed.

Thoughts of my tryst the night before with Hooky and Bernard was consuming my brain. I was beginning to sweat in the bed as I felt uncomfortable and very, very guilty.

And I was totally deserving of that guilt.

I could not fathom what had possessed me, what had led me to get my brains fucked out by two men, nearly seven years younger than me, while my son slept peacefully down the hallway.

And I was also married. 

To the love of my life. Or at least, I'd always thought he was. Loving Roger was not always easy, especially when he didn't show me love back. 

That sentence kept repeating in my head.... "Its not my fault you can't have children anymore!"

I know he apologised, but saying sorry after saying something as hurtful as that is like trying to put a broken plate back together with a plaster.

So, despite my regretful infidelity, I was happy to get any form of attention, especially from young men as handsome as them.

God, what was happening to me? Was I becoming a slut? Desperate for sex? Unsatisfied in my marriage so now retreating to seeking sex with strangers?

These thoughts were circulating in my head when I saw Aidan begin to stir in his bed. I didn't think I could look him in the eyes. What would have happened if he woke up and Hooky was there? Why was I being so careless?

"Mmm.." Aidan mumbled, stretching his little arms. 

"Morning, little man, come here for a cuddle," I said, outstretched arms to him.

He slowly crawled out of his bed and fell into mine. I giggled and pulled him tight to me, rubbing his blonde hair. How his hair reminded me so much of his father.

Aidan quickly shifted in my arms and I felt a sharp pain down in between my legs. Hooky must have really fucked me up down there. I winced slightly but didn't let Aidan see me.

Now he was full of energy, jumping on the bed, running around the room and I decided to bring him downstairs to get some breakfast. 

I dressed myself and him, before taking his hand and walking downstairs. My privates were hurting slightly but the pain had decreased significantly. I had no doubts that I was still bruised though. 

Myself and Aidan had gotten our breakfast, eating it and laughing together when I saw a painfully familiar face walking by. It was Bernard. He gave me a quick wink. Thankfully Aidan didn't notice him. That would have been awkward. It seemed that Bernard didn't care much for what happened the night before. In a way I was glad because the sooner I forgot about this, the better.

However, Hooky must have been informed somehow because I saw him in the distance, approaching our table with a huge grin on his face. 

I began to panic. Time was running out. I quickly pulled a five pound note out of my bag and handed it to Aidan. "Here, buy something for your brother and sister from the vending machine," I told him. He quickly took the money off me while I ushered him away. 

Thankfully he was out of sight when Hooky arrived.

"Good morning," he said, a smile pulling at his mouth.

"Hi. How are you?" I asked.

"Great. How's your... You know?" He asked quietly.

"Oh... not too bad." I told him.

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