This Dream Was Me And You

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February 12th 1973

I was looking forward to surprising Roger for Valentine's Day in 2 days. He always made a big day out of Valentine's Day, even when we were only 15 or 16.

Roger handed me a small red box. I opened it and there was a silver locket inside. Inside the locket was a picture of me and Roger from a few weeks ago that his mum took. I thought it was the cutest thing in the world. I bought him a silver watch. He told me he loved it. It was honestly one of our best Valentine's.

I didn't know how I was going to surprise him this year. We made love everynight so sex wasn't an option. I had to really think about it. I was failing miserably at coming up with an idea for a gift for him. This Valentine's Day was going to be stressful.

At school, I was talking to my friend Chrissie when a great idea popped into my head. This wasn't for Roger, this was something different. "So, what are you planning on doing this Valentine's?" She asked. "Oh, probably dinner or something with Roger, the usual Valentine's stuff." I said. "You?" I asked. "Oh," she laughed. "I'm single, no Valentine's for me. Haven't had a boyfriend in a while." She said. That's when I thought of it. I should introduce her to Freddie! It would be perfect. She would really like him, I thought anyways.

February 14th 1973.

I woke up to Roger shaking me. When I realised it was him, I smiled, very happy to see him. He brought me breakfast in bed and presented me with a rectangular box. "Roger! What is it?" I asked. "Open it." He said. I opened a silver braclet with very beautiful detailing on it. When I looked at him he said: "Happy Valentine's, my love." I gave him a huge hug. I didn't have school that day, conveniently and we got to spend the day together. We listened to music and talked about hopes and ambitions. "I hope to live in a huge house with my beautiful wife and be very happy. Oh and there'll be children of course." He said. "Oh will there now?" I asked. He started to tickle me. He could go from mature to a child in a split second. The rest of the day was spent having lots of sex and eating. We spent hours upon hours being intimate and making love and embracing each other's bodies. Not all of it was sex although most of it was! I had never had better sex in my life until that Valentine's. Roger was very festive. He put rose petals on the bed and a bottle of champagne was on the nightstand. It was a great day of love, sex and being together. I treasured every moment.
It came to the time when I gave Roger his gifts. I wasn't sure of that to get him so I bought practical things for him: drumsticks, wristbands, red jeans, a navy button up shirt, suspenders for the jeans and finally something I wasn't sure if I would give him or not. The last thing I gave him was a thick, silver ring to be worn on his right hand. It was like my engagement ring for him. "Oh, my, God!" He said when he opened it. "We both have one! Oh Megan, darling, thank you so much, I love you thank you thank you!" He said. He put the ring on his right ring finger. It fitted perfectly. The night ended with passionate love making. That concluded our best Valentine's so far.

It's All So Beautiful *Roger Taylor Fanfic*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora