Love Won't Leave You Alone

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*January 15th 1977*

It had been two days since Roger and the band left for their big tour and Chrissie and I were sad to see them go. She came over to our house often for company and she helped me with the children. I noticed she enjoyed being around them and I asked her why her and Brian hadn't had a baby of their own yet.

"Well, I've always wanted one," she said, putting her hand on her chest, referring to herself. "But for some reason Brian just doesn't. He thinks we're too young." Brian was 29 at this point and Roger and I were 24 and 25 when our kids were born. I wondered what Brian thought when Elly and Aidan were born. Did he think we were far too young?

Chrissie was bouncing Aidan on her knee when I went out into the kitchen to get her a book that I read when I was pregnant. It was all the pros of having kids. As I brought it out to her I started to think that maybe I needed to read it too. Why didn't I want a child? I loved having Aidan and Elly around so much so why not have another? I guessed I just didn't want another kid.

I handed Chrissie the book and she looked up at me and smiled. "Thanks Megan," she said. "I'll show this to Brian when he gets back. Hopefully it will help him." I sat down on the couch beside her. "Chrissie can I ask your advice on something?" I said. "Of course, you're my best friend." She replied taking my hand. "Okay well, Roger wants another baby but I don't and I don't know why." I said. "Oh. Well, if you don't want one then there's not much you can do." She told me. "And besides, the twins are still only small and you guys will have your hands full if you have another." She added. "Yeah," I replied. "You're right. Thanks Chrissie." She smiled.

Later that evening after Chrissie had left, I got a phone call from Roger. I went out to the hall to answer it. "Hello?" I answered.
Roger: Hi Megan it's me.
Megan: Oh hi Roger how's the tour going?
R: Its going really well actually. We're doing our third show tonight and our audience really like us.
M: Thats great Roger.
R: Yeah. So how are the kids.
M: They're fine. They told me a million times that they miss you.
R: Aw. Well tell them I miss them too. Oh Megan. Go to channel three on the tv and you should see a bit of our performance.
M: Oh I'll go do that now so.
(Female's voice: Roger! Come on!)
M: Whos that?
R: Uh, someone who's uh holding a kind of..... after party for us.
M: Oh well go and have fun.
R: I will and tell the kids Goodnight from me.
M: Will do.
R: I love you Megan
M: I love you too Rog.
R: Goodnight babe.
M: Night and stay safe.
R: I will. Love you and bye.
M: Bye Roger.

"Hey kids guess what? Daddy's on the tv!" I told them. They looked up at me in excitement then looked at each other and ran over to the tv squealing. The three of us sat on the couch and I turned on the channel and saw the boys performing in front of a big audience. Freddie was comandeering the stage perfectly and Brian was standing beside him, playing his guitar. John was close to the drumkit and Roger was sitting at it, playing the drums with skill. There was a drum solo and the kids sat with their mouths open wide. When it was over they said: "Daddys good." I laughed. After the performance the band were backstage and there were lots of people around them. Women were all over Freddie and Roger. I frowned slightly but I just shrugged it off. I trusted Roger.

That night I put the kids to bed and told them their dad told them goodnight. I got into my bed. It felt empty without Roger. It was big and cold without him. I held his pillow as I slept. It was the closest thing I had to him.

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