You Win, You Lose

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June 1st 1975
**Brian's POV**

I woke up and rolled over, looking at Chrissie. She was still asleep but she was smiling. I realised how grateful I should be to have her because not many people would put up with me. I decided the one way to get over my crush on Megan was to spend the day with her and find a flaw to make me get over her. I called her early that morning and she said she didn't have any work so we made arrangements. She said Roger was going to the studio again so we could be alone together which worked out great for me. We decided to just go to the park and have a picnic. I told her I still needed help with the wedding.

I picked her up in my car at about 11. She said Roger took the kids to the studio for the day. When she came out of the house, I realised she looked stunning. She had her hair in a low bun and she was wearing a white top and shorts seeing as it was nearly 25 degrees outside. We drove down to Hyde park and picked a place and sat down. As she was telling me her ideas I was staring at her and she caught me a few times and I'm sure I freaked her out. We left the topic of the wedding for a while and talked about other things.

As we were talking I realised I wished I married her instead. It was unfair to Chrissie but it was the truth. I was slowly but surely falling love with Rogers wife.

We walked down to a nearby lake and walked along the edge of the water. As we were talking and walking a great idea popped into my head. When Megan finished her sentence I said this. "Y'know, I shouldn't be telling you this but there's something Roger isn't telling you..."

**Megan's POV**
"What, that he's secretly in love with his car?" I said laughing. "No not that." He said rather seriously so I stopped laughing. "Rogers cheating on you." He told me. I nearly fainted. "What?!?" I screamed.

**Brian's POV**
I knew that straight after I told her that I shouldn't have. It wasn't true but I wanted them to break up so badly that I told her a lie. It made Roger look bad. It backfired, though when Megan started to cry. We stopped and I gave her a hug. "I'm sorry you had to find out like this." I said, lying to her face. I felt bad for doing it but I wanted to break them up so I just went ahead and did it. "Please don't tell Roger that I told you." I said. "I won't. I'm going to wait until he tells me himself or I'll tell him I caught him in the act." She told me. "Who is it?" She asked. "I don't know some random girl. I think her name is Katie." I said. She cried harder because that was the name of the girl Roger had first cheated on Megan with.

I brought Megan home and left her at the front door. I got to my house and sat Chrissie down to tell her that the wedding was off. I simply told her that I was in love with someone else. She cried and cried and I felt like a monster but love is a powerful drug and I was willing to do anything to get Megan even if it meant lying my way through everything.

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