You've Got Nothing To Lose

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"Wait.... what?" I screeched and slammed on the brakes. Thank god no one was behind our car.

"Yeah.... she... she's pregnant. Apparently. And she said the baby could be mine."

"But... you said you didn't do anything with her!" I shouted.

"I don't think I did..."

"Well did you or didn't you?!" I screeched..

"I don't know!" Roger exclaimed.

I started driving again and headed back to our house as we sat in silence for the remainder of the journey. We pulled up to the house and got the bags out of the car.

The kids ran upstairs to bed as it was now getting late and Roger was waiting for me in the kitchen when I came down.

"Roger. Tell me the truth. What happened that night?" I said, sitting across from him at the table.

"I was drunk. I can't remember. She was grabbing at me and I just gave in. But I don't remember actually doing anything. But we could have. She's saying we did."

I sighed loudly and rubbed my forehead.

"Look... there's only a small possibility the baby is mine. Her and Brian and married so it's more than likely his...."

"Roger. Do you not know how it works? Just cause you're not married to her doesn't mean it's not yours." I said.

Roger looked to the ground and then stood up.

"I'm going to bed too. Night."

"Night." I replied, staying in the kitchen to do the dishes and the laundry from the trip.

Why did this always happen, I asked myself. Why did, whenever things were fine, something had to come up and ruin it? Was it to make me appreciate the good times more? Because I already did appreciate them. I was sick of this circle of happiness and then complete upset.

I finished up, an hour or so later, and then headed up the stairs and into my room, slowly changing into my pyjamas as to not wake Roger up. He was asleep in the middle of the bed, not leaving any room either side.

I gently put my hands under his body and rolled him over. His tanned skin was boiling hot, almost as if he had a temperature. I took the cover off him. He wasn't even wearing pyjamas.

I frowned slightly, ad his cheeks were flushed red too. His forehead was shining with sweat. This wasn't like him, especially with it being late November and not that hot in the house.

I closed my eyes and started to doze off, only to be startled by the sound of Roger jumping up and panting loudly.

I sat up quickly in bed and put my glasses on so I could see him.

He was sweating even more now and taking quick and shallow breaths.

"Roger...?" I asked.

He didn't reply, and I assumed he was unable to. I ran down the stairs and got him a glass of water, which he quickly downed.

He had stopped panting but he was still red and sweating.

"What's going on with me?" He asked, laying down in bed again, without the cover.

"I don't know... that's not one of the symptoms is it?" I replied.

"No. I don't think so."

"Maybe you're dehydrated." I told him.

"Hopefully it's only something small like that..." he said and then sat up and kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight." He said.


The next day, I woke up and Roger was already out of bed. I went down the stairs to him and made him tea.

"I checked the symptoms list..."

"Well?" I asked.

"Said low blood pressure is one of the symptoms. I guess that explains it."

"Well.... you'd better go to the hospital and have it checked..."

I drove Roger to the hospital later in the afternoon to have his blood pressure checked and he left with some tablets to bring it back up.

We were just leaving, when we walked straight into Chrissie, who was with a very pissed off looking Brian.

"Brian!" Roger exclaimed, grabbing his arm to pull him back as Brian walked straight past us.

"I've nothing to say to you." Brian said, his head held high.

"Brian..." Roger whined. "That baby might not even be mine!"

"Yeah and it might not be mine either!" Brian snapped.

"But Brian...." Roger pouted, as Brian followed Chrissie down the corridor.

"Come on.." I said, taking Rogers arm and pulling him away.

"No! It's not fair! I know it's not mine!" He said, small tears forming in his blue eyes.

"She's a liar!" Roger screamed.

"Roger!" I hissed.

Brian span on his heel and ran down to us.

"Shut up! You've ruined my life enough already. Just piss off Roger, will you?"

And he was gone again.

Roger followed me outside the hospital, almost desensitized.

We got into the car and started driving home.

"Why.... why is he so mean to me?" Roger piped up suddenly.

"You'd react the same way if Brian got me pregnant." I stated.

"Yeah.... but I didn't get her pregnant." Roger replied.

"But you don't know that." I reminded him.

"Megan I swear I didn't!"

"How could you possibly know?" I asked.

"I just do!"

The rest of the journey home remained silent and when we were back in the house Roger went straight upstairs and had a shower. I spent the evening talking to Freddie, who wanted to leave soon.

"I don't want to be a burden anymore. I think I'm ready to return to Munich." He told me.

"But... you're not a burden." I told him.

"Megan, I won't find my soulmate here. I need to venture out. They're out there somewhere. Where is the question." He stood up.

"Still up to have a baby for me?" He asked, with outstretched arms.

I gave him a hug. "Of course Freddie."

Later Freddie went to bed, as he had a flight to catch early the next morning.

I followed up the stairs and went into my own room where Roger was already in bed, but he was awake.

I joined him in bed and lay beside him.

He suddenly rolled on top of me and started kissing my neck.

"Roger.... stop." I told him.

"Why, what's wrong?" He asked, as I pushed him off me.

"I don't know.... I just don't want to touch you. Not after you've been with her."

"But... we... didn't do anything. Please don't." He said.

"I'm sorry but it feels wrong." I said.

"Fine." Roger huffed and violently turned on his other side.

During the night I felt his baby-like sobs rocking the bed.

It's All So Beautiful *Roger Taylor Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now