Love Of My Life

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June 10th 1973

I woke up at 6 in the morning. My stomach was churning. I felt extremely ill. I got out of bed. The room was spinning and I was losing my balance. I could barely see even though I had the lights on. Roger started stirring in bed. I was clutching my stomach in a hunched position at the bedroom doorway. I saw Roger sit up. "Megan, you okay?" He asked groggily. "Yeah, fine, just feeling a bit sick." I said feeling like I was going to throw up at any minute. "You better go to the bathroom so, I'll come with you." He said, getting out of bed to come help me. I sat on the bathroom floor in front of the toilet. The pain was getting worse, to the point that I was nearly crying. Roger gave me a hug. "Its okay, it's okay, you're fine." He whispered. He got up to get me a drink from the kitchen. Suddenly I got sick into the toilet. Roger ran back upstairs when he heard me wretching. When I was finished, Roger put me back into bed and refused to sleep until I fell asleep.

I woke up again at 10. I felt much better. I went downstairs and found Roger sitting at the table eating breakfast. "Hey, are you better?" He asked. "Yeah I'm fine now." I replied. "You said you were fine this morning but then you got sick." He said laughing. "Well this time I'm fine." I said, smiling. "Maybe you should go to the doctor, just in case." Roger said worriedly. "Its only a bug, I'm okay. If it was anything serious I'd still be feeling ill." Roger nodded. He never tried to contradict me on anything medical, he hadn't got a clue. "But just in case, you should go." "If it makes you happy I will, but I'm telling you there's nothing wrong with me!"

That afternoon I made an appointment for the doctors. The GP was booked up so I had to go to the Emergency Department, where I had just started working. One of the doctors I had befriended examined me. His name was Dr Ethan Hardy. He was kind of odd but nonetheless I was happy he would be treating me. "Hello Megan, what can I do for you?" "Morning Ethan, I was ill this morning at around 6 so I just wanted to come in for a checkup just in case, it's probably nothing." "Well I'll have a look at you now. Okay any tenderness here?" He asked as he touched ny stomach. "Nope." "Any stomach pains?" "No." I replied. "Okay well I suppose it's just a common bug but I will do a scan to rule out anything else, okay?" "Okay." Dr Hardy put a cold clear gel on my stomach and took out a small tool used to spread the gel around. "Before I do the scan I'd just like to ask you a few questions. Okay, so are you in a relationship at the moment or have you been recently?" "I am now, yes." I said. "Okay and when was the last time you had sexual intercourse?" "Uh, I'm not sure, recently enough I suppose." I said awkwardly. "Okay and do you use protection?" He asked. "Sometimes, not always." "Okay."
Dr Hardy did the scan of my stomach. "Well, Megan, congratulations because it looks like you have a little one inside you." I nearly puked. "What?!" I said. "You're pregnant." "Oh my God." I said as I put my hand to my mouth. Dr Hardy noticed my wedding ring. "Will your husband be excited?" "Yeah, he's always wanted children."

That night when I got home I was very excited and nervous to tell Roger about my news. I hoped he would be very happy, but I couldn't be sure. We were only 24 years old. "Hello, love, how did the doctors go?" "Uh fine, thank God. " I said. "What was wrong?" "Roger, prepare yourself. I have news." "Well?" "Roger, I'm pregnant." Roger dropped his glass. "What?"

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