A Fading Dream

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*May 16th 1978*
**Megan's POV**

I was in the hospital for a few days for observation but other than that my injuries were pretty much healed.

I was still heartbroken over the death of Eoin. He was so precious and innocent but as they say, only the good die young. It would take me a while to get over everything, especially the accident. I couldn't remember all of the details when the accident first occurred, but now... well.... Ben had some explaining to do..

*Day Of The Accident*

"Hey Megan," Ben said to me as I was coming down the stairs with Luke and Eoin. "Wanna come for a drive?"

I wasn't really feeling up to it. I felt exhausted and worried about Rogers arrival. Still, I did want to get out of the house so I agreed. Sharon said she would take care of Elly and Aidan for me.

We got into Ben's car. "Where are we going?" I asked, putting my seatbelt on. "Just for a drive. I just got this car and I want to take it for a spin. I thought you might want to join."

We started driving along the motorway and we were going awfully fast. It wasn't over the speed limit or anything but I didn't feel safe, especially with the boys in the back.

"Ben," I said. "Could you maybe just slow down a bit. We're going a bit fast." Ben sighed and then slowed down, ever so slightly. We were going a reasonable speed again and I felt a lot safer.

We were still driving and Ben and I were talking. "Megan," he said. "I just want you to know that before I do this, it's not meant for you directly. It's aimed at Roger."

"Wha-" I started but was cut off by Ben slamming on the brakes and a huge lorry crashing into the back of our car. The last thing I remember was the paramedics asking my name.

I came to the understanding that Ben tried to kill me, on Rogers behalf and when I did, I made sure Roger came over to the hospital as quick as he could.

I told him everything and Roger wanted to bring Ben to court. I wasn't sure if we should.

Ben had been released from the hospital days before me and Roger hadn't heard anything from him. I never knew how dark he was.

Brian came to visit me when Roger was taking care of the kids. He told me what was going on and how close to labour Chrissie was. "She could have our child any day now." He kept telling me.

A few days later I was finally released. I was so lucky to be alive, and so was Luke. Roger kept calling him the "Miracle Baby".

I got back home and stayed in bed for a few days because my back was still aching after the crash. Elly and Aidan didn't seem to realise at first that Eoin was gone but eventually they caught on and Roger broke the news to them. He said it killed him to see the look on their little faces.

That afternoon I woke up and went downstairs and saw Roger and the kids on the couch messing. It had been so long since I'd come downstairs to Roger. He stood up when he saw me. "Hey baby," he said, kissing my head. "How's your back now?" "It's alright. Thanks." I said and kissed his lips back. "Ewwww!" Said Elly Mae and Aidan laughing. Roger and I turned around. "Excuse me?" I asked with mock authority.

Even after everything that happened I felt so close to Roger. He played me Queens new album and I loved it. Brian's "stupid" song was a massive success and Roger said the crowd loved it.

Being in love with Roger was like being in a whirlwind. You never knew what was going to happen next. But every day with him was full of fun and excitement. He was the only person in my entire life that I ever loved.

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