Just Be Satisfied And Stay Right Where You Are

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Roger and I got off the plane and called a taxi to bring us to our house, seeing as we didn't have a car.

We got into the taxi and it brought us home. Roger was looking out the window the whole time, and I assumed he was happy to be home.

I, on the other hand, was nearly throwing up. I felt like I was a bad mother for not being with my child. What was wrong with her?

We pulled up to our house and payed the taxi driver. He drove off and we walked up to our front door. I opened it with the key and we walked in.

"Hello?" I called out because no one was in the living room.

"One minute!" Called Sharon from upstairs.

Just then, Elly and Aidan came running down the stairs and they both wrapped their little arms around Rogers legs.

He started laughing and picked them up, holding them in his arms. They had gotten so big since he had seen them last.

"Don't cry guys..... Daddy's here now.." he cooed.

I nearly cried myself witnessing such a gorgeous moment.

Sharon came down to us. "Hey guys, how was your flight?" She asked.

"It was grand, thanks," I told her. "Here, can we go into the kitchen and have a chat Sharon?"

"Yeah of course."

I winked at Roger and he brought the kids upstairs. "We missed you Dad.." I heard one of them say.

Sharon saw me wink at Roger.

"Wait, so are you guys back together now?" She asked.

I smiled and nodded. "I think so..."

She squealed and hugged me.

We both sat at the table. "So how's Elly?" I asked her.

"Well, she hasn't complained of any eye pains since so I decided to wait until you guys came back to bring her to the hospital. I'm assuming she can still see because she hasn't said otherwise."

"How many times did it happen?" I asked.

"She had the pains for a few days but she only lost her sight... once."

"Well, I'm going to bring her to the hospital now. Just to be sure. Can you take care of Luke?" I said, standing up.

"Of course."

"Thanks for minding them Sharon, honestly, I don't know what I would do without you." I told her.

I went into the hall and called up the stairs for Roger and the kids.

"We're bringing you to the hospital now Elly." I told her, taking her hand. She took her hand out of mine and grabbed Rogers instead.

"I want Daddy to bring me." She said.

I felt a pang in my heart.

"Yes, daddy is coming too."

"Just daddy."

"Hey hey," said Roger. "Don't say that to mummy. We're both bringing you to the hospital."

Elly nodded and Roger brought her out of the house.

I took Aidans hand on the way out and he squeezed it.

"Don't worry Mum," he told me. "She just missed Dad, that's all."

I squeezed his hand back.

Sharon dropped us to the hospital. The entire journey there, Elly nearly sat on top of Roger, holding onto his hand tightly.

It's All So Beautiful *Roger Taylor Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now