For The Day I Take Your Hand

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*April 1966*
Roger and I have been dating for two years now. I have never been happier in my life. He met my family and they got on well. I was nearly finished school and I could finally be free from education for a small while. Ever since that wonderful Sunday that Roger kissed me I haven't been the same. We kiss a lot and each time it keeps getting better.

It was a Saturday and I was meeting Roger. I was still friends with Sharon. Sometimes she would hang out with me and Roger but sometimes it was nice to just have me and Sharon so sometimes we did that too. However, today it was just me and my boyfriend. I walked up the road to meet him hallway. When I saw him, I smiled. He smiled a lot and his smile was very contagious. I gave him a hug. At that time, I was 18 and Roger was 19. He kissed me on the lips. He then whispered in my ear: "My parents aren't home, so let's go." He said it so very seductively. We raced to his house. When we got upstairs Roger shut the door and gave me a look that made me want to wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him until I had to go. But Roger had other plans. He put his hand on my neck and kissed me. I kissed back putting my hands on his back. He started to walk over to his bed not breaking the kiss. He lay me down and proceeded to lay over me. I pulled from the kiss and stared at him, knowing what was going through his mind. He gave me a cheeky grin and said: "May I?" I nodded, speechless with lust. He pulled my top off and I unbuttoned his shirt. When we were naked Roger kissed me and leaned into me. I gasped as it was unexpected. He started thrusting slowly and then faster until I was being rocked. I still had my arm around his neck and his face was buried in my hair. Suddenly I felt a wave of pleasure over me and moaned as loud as I could. I felt Roger smile on my face.

Next I got up from underneath him and made him lay on his back. This time I was on top and I took him into myself slowly, building up the pace as I went on, like he did. I moaned each time. Suddenly, Roger moaned out and I smiled at him. He grabbed me and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "I love you Roger," I whispered. "I love you Megan," he said while panting. We lay there until we both fell asleep.

Title came from '39.

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