So Much Ado About Nothing

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We left the hospital, all of us in rather melancholic moods. Both Roger and Elly Mae were ill. The doctor said both of them would be okay but I found it difficult to have faith in her.

We got a taxi home and then Sharon dropped Luke home once I called her to tell her we were back.

She knew by the look on my face that something was wrong.

"What's up?" She asked.

I immediately broke down crying, muffling my sobs with my hand.

Once I had gathered myself and Sharon calmed me down, I told her our bad news. She nearly starting crying too.

Sharon left for the evening and I decided to distract myself by making dinner. Roger and I came to the conclusion that it would be best if we didn't tell the kids about his illness yet. Elly still had to go through with her chemotherapy and various treatments, and Aidan wouldn't cope well with the two of them sick.

*Rogers POV*

Once I found out that I was ill from drinking, I immediately knew I had to stop. But I didn't know if I could.

It made me feel better, it put the hard times away for another day. It couldn't harm me..... but it did.

I had only started drinking excessively after Megan and I broke up. I moved to Germany and went out every night, waking up feeling like crap, but repeating my actions the next night. I couldn't stop.

I had to get my life back on track and start focusing on the important stuff; Queen, my family, my health.

And to top it all off, my little princess, whom I had just seen for the first time in two years, had cancer. Thankfully they could treat it, but I couldn't help but feel.... bad. Would the same thing have happened if I was around.

Disturbing my thoughts, Megan called me into the kitchen for dinner, but the thought of food turned my stomach.

"Babes, I'm not hungry.." I told her.

She put her hand on my arm. "Is loss of appetite one of the symptoms of the liver disease?"

I nodded. The doctor had given me a list and sure enough, loss of appetite was there.

She sighed and placed Luke in his chair and helped him eat. I sat down across from her.

"Listen," I said. "This isn't going to change anything. We're going to focus on Elly and nothing else okay? My health doesn't matter right now. Her's does. I want her to be okay."

"And she will be. But will you?"

"Of course. Besides, it's not life threatening. There's medication and all that to help me. I'll be fine."

She stood up and gave me a hug. I rested my chin on her shoulder, signing. This wasn't going to be easy.

*Megan's POV*

That night, I headed upstairs to go to bed. On the way into our room, I heard Roger talking to the kids.

"So you and mummy love each other?"

"Yes we do. Very much. And we love you."

"Will you ever be married again?"

"Maybe. Who knows."

"Why did you come back daddy?"

"Because I missed you guys a lot. And I saw that what happened was wrong and bad and I had to fix it. And because I love your mummy. A lot. Now, into bed. Love you lots."

Roger came out of their room and found me standing outside of our room.

"Jesus Christ, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" He exclaimed.

"A sheer heart attack.." I winked.

"No, god stop, that's the worst pun I've ever heard." Roger said, rolling his eyes.

I wrapped my arms around his body and pulled him close to me. We went into our room and got into our pyjamas. Roger nearly jumped on the bed.

"Ahhhh, I missed this bed." He said happily as he lay on it, his arms outstretched.

I laughed and joined him and he pulled me close to him.

"Love you." He said, kissing my forehead.

"Love you too."

"Megan... have you thought about... maybe getting remarried...?"

"We can't. We got divorced so we can't get married in the Catholic church!"

"Screw them. Sure you're marrying me again. Basically the same thing. Just think of it as renewing our vows. That I regretfully broke..." he said sadly.

"Roger..." I sighed.

"No it's true."

"Listen. Let's just wait a little while before we think about getting married again. Maybe this is just a honeymoon phase. What if in a few months we don't want to be married?"

"True. We'll see. Goodnight baby."

"Goodnight Roger, I love you."

"Love you too Megs, love you too."

The night grew darker and colder, but I had Roger, the sunshine, the one who lit up my life.

It's All So Beautiful *Roger Taylor Fanfic*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat