My Guide And Inspiration

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March 3rd 1973

Ever since that Valentine's Roger has been wearing his makeshift "engagement ring". He wore it everywhere. The boys admired it, especially Freddie. "Wow, Rog, that's a nice ring. God I wish I had someone to buy me rings!" He said laughing. That day I picked Chrissie up in Rogers car to bring her to the studio to meet Freddie. When they met, I realised maybe they weren't the best pick for each other. Freddie was very loud and full of life whereas Chrissie was very quiet and kept out of the light. I thought about setting her up with John instead but he was seeing a girl called Veronica so he wasn't an option. I finally realised: she would be perfect for Brian. I pulled her aside. "Hey what do you think of Brian?" I asked. "He's nice, why?" "Do you want me to set you up with him?" I asked. "Oh my God! Would you, oh thank you so much." She said.

"Hey, Bri?" I said. "Yeah?" He said tuning his guitar. He looked up. "Oh Megan, hi, what can I do for you?" He asked. "See my friend, Chrissie?" He nodded. "Well, I think maybe you too should go out or something." I said. "Oh, yeah, okay, yeah. Does she like me?" He asked. I nodded. I watched as Brian talked to Chrissie making her laugh. They suited each other very well. Only to find someone for Freddie now......

"Have you picked a dress yet?" Roger asked. "Oh my God, no! How did I forget?" I said, realising I had missed a very vital ingredient of the wedding. The dress. "Relax babe," Roger said. "I picked one out for you, that's why I asked. We can go see it now." He said. "Aw Roger, you're too cute." I said as we left to go to the bridal shop. When we went in the woman recognised Roger. "Hello, Mr Taylor is this the lucky lady?" She asked. She had grey hair and was about 50. She led me to the dressing room while Roger sat outside. "This is a beautiful dress. It's very nice to wear a dress that the groom chooses." She said. I nodded. "Are you married?" I asked. "Oh yes, 29 years this year." She said holding up her left hand. She unzipped the bag that the dress was in. Roger had chosen a long dress with diamond detailing and roses petals on the skirt.It had no sleeves but came with a sheer shawl with pearls and tiny roses petals attatched to it. It was absolutely gorgeous. It was nicer than anything I would ever choose. It was perfect. It also came with a silver headband with roses on it. When I came out of the dressing room Roger stood up, walked over to me, hugged me and cried. "You look absolutely stunning." He said. "Thank you." I whispered, mesmerized by this beautiful dress.

It's All So Beautiful *Roger Taylor Fanfic*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon