The Only Soul You'll Ever Need

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I woke up the next morning and glanced over at Roger, examining his tear stained face, which was relaxed with a soft expression on it.

I felt a pang of sadness. He had been crying. I hated seeing him cry, and he was always so strong, I knew I had really upset him.

I sighed and eased out of bed, to head down the stairs. I bumped into Freddie in the hallway.

"Morning, Freddie.... I thought your flight was earlier.." I said.

"Oh, it was. But I have some business to take care of today, so I guess I'll have to stay here for a bit longer, if that's okay."

"Absolutely Freddie. You know I don't want you to go." I said.

He touched my elbow.

"I need to. Thanks for everything, the two of you, I'll never be able to say thanks enough."

"That's what friends are for, I guess.." I mumbled.

Just then, Aidan stumbled out of his room, tired eyes, messy hair.

"Morning little man!" Freddie exclaimed and picked Aidan up swiftly.

"Where's Elly?" I asked Aidan as he snuggled into Freddie's chest.

"Think she's in bed.." he mumbled and rubbed his eyes.

"Hey buddy, why don't me and you go into her and wake her up?" Freddie asked him, mischievously.

Aidan frantically nodded.

I jerked around when I heard my bedroom door being opened, and I was met with a tired Roger, who immediately brushed past me, rather forcefully.

"What's his problem?" Freddie asked, once he was in the bathroom.

"Huh..? Oh.. I don't know.." I said.

Freddie shrugged his shoulders and him and Aidan went into the twins' room.

I got Luke out of his little bed from the other room and looked at him.

"Why don't you talk yet?" I asked, placing him on my knee and ruffling his beach blonde hair, searching his dark blue eyes for some kind of answer.

"I do, mummy." He replied, with a high pitched London accent.

I pulled him into a hug, rocking him.

"Why don't you talk to daddy?" I asked, still rocking him.

"Cause..." he said into my chest. "I'm scared."

"Of what?"



Luke shrugged his shoulders.

I heard Roger come out of the bathroom and head back to our room, slamming the door.

"Luke, go and say morning to Elly and Aidan... and Freddie." I told him and he ran into the next room, while I took deep breaths to prepare for the state Roger would be in.

I gently opened the door handle and pushed on the door, closing it behind me once I was in.

I took a look around the room and realised Roger was under the covers.

"Roger... are you alright?" I asked, my voice shaky.

"Do I look like I'm alright?" He snapped back.

"Um.... what's wrong?"

He got out from under the white sheets and propped himself up.

"Oh.. I don't know," he said sarcastically. "Maybe the fact my wif- I mean.... girlfriend....  won't even touch me."

It's All So Beautiful *Roger Taylor Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now