Love Is Here And Then Its Gone

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*20th of July 1977*
**Megan's POV**

I had been extremely busy everyday of that week because Rogers 28th birthday was coming up and I was planning a surprise party for him. I knew 28 wasn't a major age but I still wanted to throw a party for him after all he had been through.

I asked Brian to help me plan the party seeing as he had been out partying with Roger much more than I had and he would know exactly what Roger liked. One evening when we met up in town to plan the party he started telling me some news.

"Em," he mumbled, clearing his throat, letting me know he wanted to talk to me. I looked up. He was fidgeting with a pen. "Did Chrissie tell you that her and I were trying to conceive?" He asked. I opened my mouth in shock. "Really!?" I asked, excited. Brian nodded.
"Yeah we're both very excited and we really hope we have a child because it means so much to her. She gave me this book about the pros of having kids. It really opened my eyes honestly." He said.

I decided to keep my mouth shut about the whole book thing, because I didn't want him to think I was trying to persuade Chrissie to have a baby so I just nodded. We both left the restaurant where we were planning and went looking around some venues for the party. Brian suggested we have it in our house but I didn't want to have to deal with the mess and I didnt want the kids to be near especially when everyone was drinking.

It came time for us to go home and Brian and I parted ways. Before he left I told him how happy I was for him to be trying for a baby.

I arrived home to Roger and the kids. He was lying on the couch fast asleep and the kids were in his arms, also asleep. I tried not to make any noise but they were all very light sleepers and woke instantly after I walked by them. "Hey Roger." I said, hanging up my coat. "Hi honey, how was work?" He asked. I told him I was at work so he wouldn't suspect anything. "Oh fine, just the usual stuff, nothing exciting." I told him. He nodded. "So Roger," I said. He looked at me. "That's never good." He said laughing. "What do you want to do for your birthday?" I asked. "Oh yeah. Uh.... I don't really mind. Nothing too special, I'm only going to be 28 anyways so..." he said. Inside my heart sank. He didn't want anything big and I had pretty much wasted my time planning for him. Still, I was going to continue on and give him the best party he ever attended.

*23rd of July*

Myself and Chrissie went out for coffee one morning when Roger and Brian were in the studio recording. "So Chrissie," I said to her. "I heard you and Brian were trying for a baby!" She looked at me with pure happiness. "Yes we are!" She said excitedly. "I really hope we have a baby."
"So do I." I told her.
"Megan...," she mumbled.
"Did Brian... sound like he wanted a baby?" She asked.
I thought for a minute. "Well, yeah, yeah he did." I told her. She nodded and we continued to chat. I saw her with our kids many times and I knew how good she was with them. Her and Brian deserved all the happiness in the world and I was glad they were going to get it.

That afternoon I went home to Roger. He was washing the dishes and I was teasing him. "Do my eyes deceive me?" I asked. He frowned, confused. "What?" He asked. "You're actually washing the dishes.... pinch me and tell me I'm not dreaming." I said. He hit me with the dishcloth. "Hey!" I said. He laughed. "Well, I'm washing the dishes because I thought you deserved a break... but if you don't want me to.... then that's fine." He said, putting the dishcloth down and walking away. I knew he was kidding. "No...!" I said, taking his arm and pulling him back. He wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him. "Thank you Roger." I said. "Anything for you babe." He mumbled. I kissed his cheek and let go of him but his lips decided differently and he was soon kissing me hard. I felt like I was melting away. I had been with him since I was 15 years old, but he still had the power to thrill me with his kisses. He finished kissing me and we sat down at the table and talked. "So what do you want for your birthday?" I asked. "I already told you Megan, nothing special." He said. "No, like what do you want as a present from me?" I asked. "You." He said, sexily. "Don't worry," I said, just as sexily. "I think I can arrange that." I rubbed his leg. "No... stop torturing me!" He said, throwing his head back in agony. I got on his lap, and kissed his cheek. "Seriously though Roger," I said. "What do you want me to get you?" "I don't need anything else. I have you and the kids and great friends and a great band. I have everything I could ever want." He said. "Roger." I said. He looked at me smiling. "That is lovely but come on! Stop fucking with me! What do you want!!???" I whined, like a child. He was annoying me now. I just wanted to know what he wanted. "Okay fine!" He said. "Could you get me a watch?" I thought for a minute. "Did I not buy you one a few years ago?" I asked. "Yeah you did, but it was a good while ago and it got too small for me." He said. "Okay then, if its a watch you want, it's a watch you will recieve." I told him. "Thank you darling." He said, using a posh accent. I rolled my eyes and got off his lap. He pulled me back down. "Stay...." he whined. I didn't object. I stayed in his arms for hours. It was where I was meant to be.

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