The Kiss Of Death

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I felt my legs tremble as Peter Hook led me towards a group of people. 

I tried speaking up but my mouth wouldn't form the words I was trying to say. I almost fell down onto one of the nearby chairs because I was that drunk. 

Peter called Bernard Sumner over and he approached us with a smile. 

"Hi," he said, sticking his hand out to me. "I'm Bernard."

"Or you can call him Barney." Peter smirked.

"Don't. Hooky here knows I fucking hate that nickname." Bernard said, glancing over at him. 

"What's your name?" Peter asked me.

My mind was a fog of alcohol and I struggled to get my name out. I just about muttered it.

"Well... Megan here was at our concert tonight." Peter told Bernard. 

"Enjoy it?" Bernard asked me.

I managed a nod. 

"Are you German?" Peter asked.

I shook my head.

"I'm here for my husband's job." I told them. 

"Must be important." Peter smirked.

"He's a drummer." I muttered. 

"What band?" Bernard asked. 


"Woah... hold on for a minute. You're Roger Taylor's wife?" Peter asked, incredulously.

I nodded.

"He's a lucky man." Bernard told me, grinning. 

I grinned back. 

"So what are you doing here then?" Peter asked.

"We're not together anymore." I said.

It was a lie but with the way Roger had treated me earlier I didn't feel guilty.

"Oh no... that's too bad." Peter said, stroking my shoulder. I didn't reject his advances. 

"He's missing out." Bernard whispered seductively in my ear. 

I closed my eyes for a second to try and grasp what was happening before me. When I opened them, nothing had changed.

The two men standing in front of me were both gorgeous.... but I was nearly seven years their senior.

The grins on their faces told me they were interested in pursuing this further. I wanted to as well but found it hard to let loose.

I was still married. We were going through a hard time but married nonetheless.

Then it dawned on me. Roger cheated on me twice before. And of course, I forgave him. Both times.

Would it really kill anyone to just accept their offer?

At the time, my thoughts were No, no it wouldn't. But soon after I would think quite the opposite. 

A few moments had passed and I found myself being brought up the stairs by Peter and Bernard. I knew fully well what their intentions were. And I didn't have any objections. 

I had never slept with anyone else besides Roger throughout my entire life. I didn't know if that made me sad or not. 

I felt Peter's hand squeeze mine and he gave me a small smile.

Bernard unlocked his hotel room door and the three of us walked in. 

The two of them wasted no time. I found myself pressed against the wall, with Peter Hook's lips on mine. My eyes were opened and I saw Bernard beginning to take his shirt off.

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