Hope And Despair

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**7th Of June 1977**
**Megan's POV**

I woke up that morning, my heart racing, my mind spinning. I was so excited. Roger was finally coming home today. He had arrived in London the night before to do his second-last performance. It was in Earls Court in London. I would have attended but it was completely sold out.

Much to my happiness and surprise, Roger bought me a ticket for the very last performance in London on the 7th, also in Earls Court. I was so excited. I had never seen Roger perform live before. I was looking forward to it all day. It was on at 8pm.

That day I cleaned the house, bathed the kids, brought them to the park, went food shopping, went to Chrissies house and had a shower. I wanted to do as much as I could that day to distract myself from the excitement. I had A Day At The Races playing all day so I could learn the words. I felt like my heart was going to burst I was so excited.

I washed my hair and body, dried my hair, brushed it out, styled it, put on make up, put in my contacts and got dressed into a navy and cream knee length dress. I had only bought it and I was excited for Roger to see it.

At 6:30pm Chrissie came over to our house to mind the twins while I was gone. She was the one who suggested she take care of them. I got into the car after she arrived and drove through London down to Earls Court.

I arrived at Earls Court at 6:45 and went in the front door. I looked around. There weren't many people waiting. I was slightly confused as the last night had been totally sold out. I handed in my ticket and went into the concert hall. There were some people standing where the audience stood and I joined them waiting for the concert to start. Just then, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I whipped around, scared and was met with Brian.

"Brian!!" I shouted when I saw him and gave him a huge hug. He picked me up and spun around. He let me down and I hugged him again. I hadn't seen him in 6 months and I missed the conversations we had. He took my hand and brought me backstage, into the dressing room where John and Freddie were getting changed. "Megan, how are you?" Said Freddie, hugging me. "I'm good Freddie how are you?" I asked. "I'm not too bad." He replied. John stood up and gave me a quick hug. "Hello Megan." He said quietly. "Hey John." I said.

Once I had greeted all the boys I asked Brian where Roger was. He said he didn't know. "He's gone looking for you." Said John. "Do you know where he went?" I asked. He shook his head. I went around backstage looking for Roger. I checked the stage and the front hall. I found him coming out of the bathroom.

I stopped when I saw him and so did he. After a few minutes he ran over down the hall, wrapped his arms around me and picked me up, spinning me around while he kissed me. He put me down and kissed me long and hard. I missed him so much. He was holding on to my neck as he kissed me and I had my hands on his shoulders. He kissed me for what felt like forever. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held on to my waist. I felt myself crying as we kissed.

He finally stopped and looked me straight in the eyes and smiled as I smiled back. I kissed his neck as he hugged me. I felt so glad no one was around as we kissed.

We were still hugging when Brian, Freddie and John came out from behind the wall, laughing. "What?" I said laughing too. Roger had a firm hold on my waist. "You two are the definition of adorable." Said Freddie. "Thats a real relationship." Said Brian. John nodded. Roger looked away from them, then looked at me and kissed me again while the boys watched and smiled. "I missed you so much baby." Said Roger. It was the first thing he said since we met.

After a while, the boys realised it was time for them to go on stage. I watched from backstage as they walked on while the crowd went crazy. They started with Tie Your Mother Down and the crowd were jumping and singing along. Freddie was running around the stage and Roger was giving it his all on the drums. I found Freddies outfit rather amusing. It was an orange, green and white one piece. It was outrageous like Freddie. Roger started off wearing a white top and white trousers but at the break he came back wearing black trousers and no top. I laughed. Freddie came back wearing a silver sequin one piece. Just when I thought the outfits couldn't get anymore outrageous. I liked what John wore, a shirt, waistcoat and trousers. Brian was originally wearing a flowy white shirt, then he changed to a waistcoat too.

The boys finished with "God Save The Queen" and then went to the front of the stage to take a bow. It was pitch dark because they lights went off and then they walked back. Roger was waving goodbye when he walked too close to the edge and fell right off the stage. He fell down 10 feet before he hit the ground. I ran across the stage with Brian and John following close behind and security picked Roger up.
One of the security men helped me down off the stage. I got on the ground beside Roger and saw he was unconscious. I felt his pulse. There was a faint beat. I thought he would be okay but he landed on the hard ground and most likely hit his head. It wasn't the length of the drop it was the landing.

I asked one of the nearby people what he landed on and of course they said his neck. I felt his pulse again. It was stronger. I got security to call emergency services and within 15 minutes they arrived. I told them his stats and then got in the back of the ambulance beside him. His eyes were opening and closing and he had an oxygen mask on. They closed the doors and left me in the back alone with Roger because they knew I was a paramedic. I sat holding onto his hand as he regained consciousness.

Then his monitor started beeping and he went into cardiac arrest. I stood up and did compressions on his chest until his heart started beating again.

We arrived at the hospital and the boys arrived soon after. I ran into the Resus with Roger and the paramedics as I had to tell them about his cardiac arrest. They found a large bruise on the back of his neck. He had a huge bruise covering most of his back and a few small ones on his stomach. They were sure of serious trama to his internal organs. I left the room, tears flowing down my cheeks until John came around the corner and hugged me. I never felt a hug like this from him before. Brian appeared also, with a worried Freddie close by. John let go of me and Brian took his place, shushing me as I bawled and rocked me back and forth in his arms. A nurse appeared and asked for his next of kin. I went in and she let me see him. He was asleep as she told me his injuries and the surgery needed.

I left Resus and returned to the boys and told them all I knew. Roger had a serious head injury, a possible brain injury, a fractured hip, dislocated shoulder and trauma to his stomach and surrounding organs. I sat on the seats in the waiting room, my head in Brian's chest as I cried and cried. I felt John's hand rub my back and Brian's arms around my waist. Freddie was holding onto my hand. I didn't know where I would be without these guys and I certainly didn't know how the night ended up like this.

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