Talk With Brian

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*Megan's POV**

I ran out of the studio with tears streaming down my face, my hands shaking and my knees trembling. I couldn't figure out what happened. Brian....liked me? Roger was further up the road, storming down to our house. I couldn't see but from the way he was walking I could tell he had a huge frown on his face. As I reached the house, I started to slow down. I wanted to give him a few minutes alone to comprehend because what he saw was.....shocking. I never thought the Brian would like me. He was with Chrissie, he loved her, he couldn't do that to her, she was too sweet and innocent. Oh but he did. He did do that to her. And I couldn't believe it.

I walked up the stairs to our apartment and opened the front door. Roger was sitting, scowling, on the couch in the living room. He looked very unapproachable. I walked over to him cautiously. I sat beside him, waiting for him to say something, but that wasn't going to happen, so I spoke up. "Hey, rog.." I said, putting ny hand on his knee. He quickly brushed it off in anger. "Roger?!" I said. "You expect ME to be okay with this? Well think again!" He shouted. "Roger, Brian kissed ME, I was pushing him off you know that!" I said. "How do I know that?" "Do you not trust me or something?" I asked, hurt. "I don't know..." he mumbled. "Roger why do you think I would kiss Brian or WANT to kiss Brian when I'm with you! We're having children soon, I wouldn't risk that ever!" Roger looked at me. "I'm gonna kill him....." he said. "No Roger don't, it won't do any good, it will make it worse." I tried to plead with Roger but he had already left the house. I decided to warn Brian by calling the studio. "Hello?" Answered Brian. "Hi Brian." I said awkwardly. "Oh, hi....." he replied just as awkwardly. "Uh, Roger is on his way over to you and I don't think he's very happy...." I said. "Megan I'm so sorry I didn't mean to kiss you, it was the heat of the moment I swear. I love Chrissie I wouldn't give her up for the world I'm such an idiot please don't tell her." Said Brian. "Its okay Brian, Chrissies not your problem right now, Roger is." I said. I heard someone come in over the phone, it was Roger. "Who are you talking to?" He asked Brian. "Uh, Chrissie." He said. I closed my eyes, he shouldn't have lied. Roger picked up the phone. "Hello? Is this Chrissie?" He asked. "No its me Roger." I said. "You lied to me." Said Roger to Brian. Roger hung up the phone. Brian was not in for a treat.

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