Thank God It's Christmas

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A few weeks had passed and Roger had been getting really into the whole wedding thing. He was planning, inviting people, buying his suit and the decorations.

I, on the other hand, was feeling doubtful... and worried. I didn't want to feel like I did. I was completely and utterly in love with this man. And I knew he loved me back.

But Brian just turned everything upside down with his sour words. And I didn't think I would be able to go through with it.

One morning I woke up and checked the letter box. A letter had arrived from Freddie, saying he was coming back for the wedding in a few weeks. Since he had left, I felt a bit lonely; Freddie was one of the best people I had ever met, but now he was coming back and I was over the moon.

The worst part was, Brian wasn't going to be a part of it. And there was no point in forcing him because he didn't want anything to do with our wedding anyways. And sometimes it felt like I didn't either.

I didn't mean to, but sometimes when Roger was explaining his ideas for the seating arrangement, or the flowers or something like that, I wished we weren't getting married.

Of course, I loved him. But I just couldn't help but feel he was going to mess me about again.

The same day Freddie's letter arrived, was my birthday, December the fifth.

Roger had left early that morning to go for a suit fitting and he had brought John along with him.

Later on, perhaps an hour or so, he came back with his suit in a plastic coating.

"Honey, I'm home!" He shouted up the stairs.

I was dressing Luke when he arrived home and I headed down the stairs to him.

"Hey." I said, giving him a peck on the cheek.

I noticed he was holding a square box in his other hand.

"Happy Birthday baby." He said, handing the box to me.

I smiled and opened it and found a gold necklace with pearls and diamonds on it.

"Oh my god.... it's gorgeous!" I cried, wrapping my arms around Rogers neck.

"Like you." He mumbled in my ear, making my cheeks flush red.

I pulled my head from off his shoulder and looked at his gorgeous face. He had his usual smirk on it, and he pressed his lips to mine in a swift movement.

Within seconds I was up and in his strong arms, my body craving for his touch. He dropped his suit and turned quickly up the stairs, bursting into our bedroom.

He placed me carefully on the bed as if I was the most valuable thing to ever see this earth and our lips made contact again.

He pulled the duvet cover up and over us as we embraced.

Any doubts I had previously had completely vanished from my mind.

Until we were done.

After the heat had cooled a bit, Roger immediately stopped being romantic and instead turned on his side and fell asleep. Usually we cuddled after, but obviously not tonight.

Brian's words were circulating in my head. I wanted to tell myself he was wrong. But there was always still that pit of worry in my stomach.

He had cheated on me three times. Three.

Well, realistically, two, as when he and Chrissie were together, Roger and I were divorced.

But he had no recollection of those events, and Chrissie could be a liar.

But those two previous times with Katie, they were still raw for me. I told him that I forgave him but it still hurt to think about it. I guess I thought with his body and not his heart.

About a week or so passed and Christmas time was nearing. One afternoon Roger collected Aidan and Elly from school and they had Christmas cards made for us.

Around the 12th we put up the Christmas tree and the kids were buzzing with excitement.

We both decided to have our wedding on the 15th of December 1981, seeing as we didn't want it too close to Christmas.

I decided to just let bygones be bygones and give Roger the chance he wanted to redeem himself and show me how much he really did care. So I started getting more into the planning.

I didn't want to wear the same dress from our first wedding, seeing as it was rather old fashioned from the 70s, so Sharon and I went shopping for dresses a few days in a row.

I was getting frustrated as nothing caught my attention. I didn't want to look anything like I did the last time.

Last time I had a long ball gown type dress which was stunning, but of its time. Roger actually picked it out.

This time, according to him, I had to pick it out.

In one of the bridal shops, Sharon pointed out a full length lace tight fitting dress with sleeves and a low neck.

It was so different, not like anything I had seen before.

I tried it on and was in shock. It was absolutely perfect. The first time we got married I had been so young and I wanted the princessy type dress, but now I was older and I wanted a mature and sophisticated dress; and this was it.

Roger always complained that I wore flowy stuff, so I was sure he would be glad to see this tight dress.

He wouldn't tell me what his suit looked like either so we would both be getting a surprise.

We had persuaded the priest to allow us to remarry, as divorce was forbidden in the church. However, we were getting married to each other again, so it wasn't the same.

I was started to get nervous. I was so excited. I was dying to marry the love of my life, finally once again.

I was a bit worried about Luke, as he would have to get ready that morning with Roger, but Roger insisted it would be okay.

The day before the wedding, we were both so excited and happy, finally becoming husband and wife once again.

It's All So Beautiful *Roger Taylor Fanfic*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora