Spread Out Your Wings You Are An Angel

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It was Sunday and time for me to go to Rogers home. I told my mother that I was going to help a friend with study but she can read me like a book. "Yeah, sure, it's obviously a boy you're meeting. Just tell me, I won't mind." "Okay, fine his name is Roger Taylor and he's in a few of my classes, that's it," I said. "Okay, but before you date him I want to meet his parents." My mother said sternly. "Mum, we're not dating!" "Not yet!" She said winking at me.

I went upstairs to get ready when it finally dawned on me. I forgot to repurchase my contacts! Yesterday when Roger walked in I whipped my glasses off of my face. Now he would see them and not be interested in me at all. I was so miserable. Today I wore jeans and a bright red jumper with some random college name on it that I stole from Anthony. I brushed my hair and teeth and walked over to Rogers house.

Then I stumbled upon my next problem. Roger wrote down his address but he never told me how to get there. He must have forgotten that I was only new here. I walked around the area of Truro that I lived in for about 15 minutes until an middle aged man approached me. "Excuse me, sir, can you tell me how to get to here?" I asked him, showing him the napkin." "Yeah, I can, by any chance did Roger Taylor give this to you?" He asked. "Uh, yeah?" I replied cautiously. "No need to look worried, girl, I'm his dad." He said. "I'm Michael." Roger sort of resembled his dad. His dad had brown hair, but the same eyes as Roger. He had the same high, raspy voice. "I'll bring you there now, it's not far from here," he said. I got into his dad's car and he brought me to his home. "I'm just off to the shops," he said, when he dropped me off. "Okay, thanks Mr Taylor." I said. I walked up to Rogers door and knocked. A woman answered. Roger and his mother looked so alike, it was scary. She had sun bleached blonde hair and blue eyes. She was quite short. "Hello, you must be Megan, come in, Rogers in the kitchen." She went to the living room as I walked down the hallway to the kitchen and found Roger sitting at the table ready with his books. "Hi, Megan, are you ready to get started?" He asked. "Oh wow," he said as he noticed my glasses. "I didn't know you wore glasses, Megan, they look good on you." He said. "Thank you." I said while blushing.

I started helping Roger. Turns out he wasn't that bad at French. English was his problem though. No matter how many times I tried to explain the characters of the Mercant Of Venice, he would stop and ask questions, obviously confused. About an hour later, we were done and Roger was feeling more confident about Antonio and Bassanio.

"Lets go up to my room for a minute." He said. I followed him up the stairs to his room. His room was medium sized. He had a single bed, a desk, a book shelf and a wardrobe. He also had Hendrix and the Who posters on his wall. He sat on his bed and patted beside him, signalling me to sit beside him. As I did so, I felt my heart flutter. "So, you were saying you could sing. I'd love to hear your voice." He said, staring into my eyes. "Um, okay, what will I sing?" "Do you know any beatles?" He asked. "I know 'Love Me Do' will I sing that?" "Go ahead."

I started off quietly and proceeded to get louder as I moved further into the song. I avoided looking at Roger when I sang. As I came near the end of the song, I felt Roger move closer to me. When I was one line away from the end, Roger grabbed my head, pulled it to his, and kissed me. Like full on, kissed me. I closed my eyes as I drifted through a dreamworld. When he pulled away I opened my eyes and Roger smiled at me. Without saying anything he hopped on the floor, pulled me to his lap and kissed me once again. It was even better this time. This time he had his arms around my waist and I had mine around his neck. Finally he pulled away and smiled once again. "Megan? Will you be my girlfriend?"

Title came from the March of The Black Queen

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