Terror Of Knowing What This World Is About

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**Rogers POV**
The doctor told me Megan had been moved to a different ward. I walked up several flights of stairs to reach her room and was shocked to find she wasn't there. I started walking further along the corridors until I found her lying on the floor again. I rushed over to her and picked her up off the ground. Her eyes opened and she stared at me until she realised who I was. "Roger!" She said. "I'm so sorry. I was so mean to you. I know you did everything you could. You would never to something like that to me. I love you I'm so sorry." She said, slowly and carefully. I smiled at her realising how beautiful she was. But I felt bad because I didn't do everything I could. When I told her this she smiled. "First thanks for being honest, second, it's okay I shouldn't have acted so, oh I don't know, spoiled? Any ways I love you regardless. Lets just put this all behind us." She said, going to hug me. I stopped her before she could and gave her a long kiss. She looked at me and cried. I don't know why but I cried too. Emotions were high in a hospital. We sat on the floor swaying in each others arms crying.

After a few minutes I noticed she stopped crying. She was still smiling when I looked at her but her eyes were closed. I soon realised my mistake. She didn't just choose to lie on the floor. She obviously fell. And all I had done was hug her. I picked her up and carried her bridal style to her room where she was first treated. The doctor was there. I told him everything. He lay her down and examined her. She had a bleed in her brain. I leaned against the wall, my back sliding down it as he told me the procedure he would have to perform on her to save her. I couldn't contain my emotions when Brian walked in to see how she was. I hugged him and cried in his arms. I couldn't bear to see her like this. I felt so bad.

Title came from Under Pressure.

It's All So Beautiful *Roger Taylor Fanfic*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant