Who Needs You?

839 35 23

*1st of August 1978*
**Megan's POV**

I had a hospital appointment at 9:30am that morning. I woke up on time, got dressed and went downstairs, only to find Roger sitting at the table drinking tea and holding our baby.

"Jesus Christ!" I exclaimed when I saw him. "You frightened me."

Roger just laughed. "I made you breakfast," he said, standing up and handing Luke to me. He took a plate out from the oven and put it on the table. "Thank you Roger." I smiled.

Roger sat with me as I ate. "So about this tour..." he said. "Can you cope on your own?" I swallowed. "Well.... I guess I'll be okay... I mean... there's nothing that can be done anyways..."

Roger sighed. "I wish I didn't have to do this..." I was shocked. I knew that Rogers work was his pride and joy. "Don't say that Roger.... besides... you know I'll be okay."

Roger stood up from the table and put my plate in the sink. "Roger, it's alright.. I don't need you to baby me..." I mumbled. I guessed he took it up the wrong way because he frowned slightly at me. "I mean... you don't have to do everything for me..." I said, quickly.

Roger and I went upstairs and he got dressed and I dressed the kids. They seemed scared of me. "Now.. um.... Come into the room and I'll get you guys dressed...." The kids didn't take my hand, they just followed me in. I put their clothes on and they both stood awkwardly as I undressed and dressed them.

I stood back when they were dressed to let them go back into their room, but Elly Mae just ran over to me and wrapped her arms around my legs. I stood, shocked but eventually picked her up as she cuddled into my chest. "I miss you Mummy," she said.

I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. "Elly, I'm not gone anywhere... I'm still your mummy. I always will be baby."

I put her down and she looked at the ground, embarrassed. I had to get going so the kids followed me downstairs and into the car. Roger didn't want me driving yet so he went with me.

As we were driving a song by Queen came on the radio. I kind of remembered it... In The Lap Of The Gods.. maybe?

The kids and Roger started to sing. Roger, obviously knew all the words but the kids were just mumbling the start and then saying: "Lap of the gods!!" I didn't join in as I didn't know the words.

We arrived at the hospital. I got out and brought the kids in and we all sat in the waiting room. I was nervous about what the doctor was going to say. Still, I kept optimistic because I had Roger with me.

The doctor came out and brought me into his room, with the kids and Roger following. "Okay, Mrs Taylor... how have you been?"

"Well, I've been okay. I've gotten a few memories back but not many. How long will it take for them all to come back?"

"I'm afraid... given the severity of your injuries... they won't come back by themselves."

"What are the other options?" Roger asked, holding Luke as the kids held onto his legs.

"We can either... just leave it and you guys can start your lives again... from the bottom up or.... we could try... surgery..?"

I looked at Roger. He was looking at me. "Surgery?" I asked in disbelief.

"Just to move the spinal cord slightly so that it matches the memory receptors in the brain. At the moment the spine is tilted just slightly and it's causing a blockage to the memory receptors in your brain."

"Well, if it works then we'll do that!" Roger said, smiling.

"I'm afraid there's a slight con.... it isn't a guarantee.... it doesnt always work."

"We might as well try," Roger said.

"It's worse than that... Megan could either get all of her memories back as if nothing happened or.... well.... she could forget everything."

"Wait, what do you mean everything?" I asked.

"It'll either be everything you've ever remembered or you'll forget everything... absolutely everything."

I gulped. "What are the odds?" Asked Roger.

"Fifty fifty chance.... however I've never treated a patient who's lost all memory. It usually works."

"Is it a risk you're willing to take?" Roger asked me.

I thought for a minute. I guessed... if the doctor had never treated a patient who lost their memory... then surely he knows what he's doing.

"Yeah, it is..."

The doctor smiled. "Okay. Perfect. Also, I just have to let you know that this period of your life, right now the whole "loss of memory" episode... when you wake up, that'll be completely forgotten. Even if you remember everything, you won't remember this. The brain works in mysterious ways but that's just how it is. So Roger, if she remembers you when she wakes up.... you're very lucky."

"I'll keep you in tonight and we can start the procedure tomorrow, okay?"

I nodded. "I'll let you talk for a few minutes..." the doctor said, leaving the room.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Asked Roger.

"Yeah I'm sure," I said. "Besides, we can always restart if it doesn't work. I can tell my life with you was great... so I'll do anything to get it back."

Roger kissed my lips. "It really was... it was perfect. I hope this works. I really do." Said Roger.

The doctor came back in. "Okay, a bed is ready upstairs."

Roger left the room but came back to hug me close. He kissed my forehead. "I love you...." he whispered.

I followed the doctor down the hall. This was my fate.. I was choosing my destiny. Would I remember everything.... or nothing...? I guess... fate would decide that.

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