Dead On Time

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*1st of August 1977*

I was sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast when Roger arrived into the kitchen and patted my head. "Morning Megan." He said to me. "Hi." I mumbled in response. "What's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing." I replied.

I saw him frown out of the corner of my eye. "Anyways," he said. "I'm heading to the studio today to work on the album in case you're wondering where I'm off to."

"Roger," I said. "Um, when's your tour?" I was waiting for his response, worried. He fidgeted uncomfortably. "Well, Freddie wants to go by the start of October..." He said.

Then the tears came. Roger ran over to me and wrapped his arms around me as I bawled and he rocked me back and forth. "I'm so sorry love but it has to be done..." he told me and I nodded.

I broke from his grasp and he put his hands on my shoulders. "Don't worry babe. I'll be back soon. Besides you have Ben." He said. "You're not Ben though." I mumbled.

Roger headed off to the studio and I stayed home with the kids. I was thinking about inviting Chrissie over, but by the time I got dressed, I wasn't feeling up to it. In fact, I wasn't feeling up to anything. I wanted to lay in bed all day. I didn't know what was wrong with me. Was I depressed? I thought maybe it could be hormones but it felt much more than that.

I went to the bathroom as I was expecting my period. It had been two days late, but I let it slide as that happened frequently. However, it didn't come today either and I noticed my stomach was slightly swollen looking. I jumped into the car and drove to the pharmacy, picked up a pregnancy test and drove home again.

I sat on the toilet. Could I be pregnant? What if I was? How would Roger react. I thought about how he had expressed interest in having another baby only a month or two beforehand.

I peed on the stick and two lines and a plus sign appeared. I knew that sign all too well. It was true. I was pregnant. I couldn't wait to tell Roger when he got home.

Roger arrived home and he went straight upstairs to bed seeing as it was 11:30pm. I followed him up soon after and got into the bed next to him. "How was your day?" I asked him. "Oh it was alright. I finished my new song and I'm very pleased with it." He told me. "That's really good Roger." I replied. "How was yours?" He asked me. "Um, okay, I suppose. I didn't do much." I said.

Roger lay down in bed and I lay next to him. "Roger?" I asked. "Yeah?" He replied. "How do you feel about having another baby?" I asked. I realised that I could never tell him straight out. With Elly and Aidan I had to really think about what I was going to say. Today was no different.

"Oh. Another baby? No. Not really on my mind to be honest. I mean, I did a while ago, but when you said you didnt, I guess I just went off the idea and decided that I really didn't want one. It's not really the best time, don't you think?" He replied.

I felt my heart sink and then my body freeze. He didn't want another baby and I was pregnant. I didn't know what to say.

"Oh yeah. You're right." I replied and turned off the light. "Night." I said.

The next morning

I tossed and turned all night. I couldn't deal with what was happening. Roger would be devastated if he found out I was pregnant. He was right; it wasn't the best time. But there wasn't anything I could do. I had to tell him somehow. But how?

Roger woke up after me and kissed my forehead before going to work. I stayed at home that day and cried because I couldn't deal with everything. When Roger came back home I put on a happy front and made it seem like little was going on.

I got into bed that night and lay awake for hours while Roger slept peacefully. There was no one to go to. I couldn't tell Brian because he wouldn't understand and most likely try to convince me to tell him. Same with Chrissie. There was no one who would understand the position I was in.

Throughout the next weeks that followed, I turned into a nervous wreck. I couldn't tell him and I couldn't handle it. A nervous breakdown was on the horizon and I was scared. What was I going to do?

This wonderful idea was contributed by @freddiebitesthedust so thank you very very much. 💕💕💕

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