Sunshine And Rainy Weather Go Hand And Hand Together

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*June 1st 1975*
**Megan's POV**
**That Evening.**

I walked into the house with tears streaming down my face. I wiped them away as I closed the door and I felt Roger come up behind me. "Hey baby." He said into my ear as he hugged me. "Hi." I said. I broke free from his grasp and walked into the kitchen. "Whats wrong?" He asked me. "Nothing." I said. He put his arm around my shoulders but I shrugged it off. "Megan?" He asked. "You make me sick!" I screamed. He looked at me, dumbfounded. "What did I do?" He asked. "Oh you know right well what you did!" I spat. "What- I- what are you talking about?" He stuttered. "You're cheating on me!" I shouted. He paused for a minute. "I am not!" He shouted back. "Where on earth did you get that from?" He asked. "I caught you." I lied. I told Brian I wouldn't tell Roger that Brian informed me so I lied to him. "You couldn't have." He said, seriously. "Oh but I did." I said. I wasn't sure how convincing I sounded. "I swear I didn't." He told me.

I went to my room and started packing my bags. "So you're just going to leave?" He asked. "You're not going to even listen to me?" "No Roger I'm not." He grabbed my hand. "Megan, I swear to you I never went near any other girl I promise." I turned around. "Why are you finding it so hard to believe me?" He asked. "Because you did it before." I replied and picked the kids up and walked out the door.

I went down the road to Brian's house. He was almost shocked to see me. "Megan, what are you doing here?" He asked. "I left Roger." I said. "What- why?" He asked. "Because he cheated on me?" I frowned. "Oh yeah." He replied. "Brian are you telling the truth?" I asked, suspiciously. "Of course I am." He said.

We were sitting on the couch for a few hours when I realised Chrissie wasn't there. "Brian where's Chrissie?" I asked. "Um," he said. "Well, em, we, uh, sort of broke up..." he said quietly. "What!? Why?" I said. He turned and looked at me. "Because I'm in love with you. Because I have been for a while. Because I've been denying it and using Chrissie as a distraction. Because when I kissed you that time I meant it. Because I love you instead." He said. I was shocked. "What?" I said after I let it sink in. "I love you." He replied. "But Brian, I'm married. To someone else and you're engaged to someone else." I said. "But I called off the wedding so that I could be with you instead." He told me. "Brian, I'm flattered honestly. But I don't think of you like that." I said. He looked disappointed. I thought while there was a silence. Did Roger even cheat on me? Did.... Brian just make up a story so I would date... him instead? "Brian?" I asked. He looked up. "Did you lie to me about Roger?" I asked. He hesitated. Then he finally nodded and I sighed. "I need to go...." I mumbled before running out of his door and back to my house.

I burst in the door and found Roger sitting on the couch crying. I ran over to him and he looked at me with tear filled eyes. "Megan," he said. "I swear, I didn't cheat on you." I started crying too. "I know you didn't love. I know you didn't." I said as I sat on the arm of the chair and hugged his head. He cried into my arm. "I was so scared you were going leave me for good. Why did you say you caught me?" He asked after he was finished. "Because," I started, thinking about my promise to Brian. "Because Brian lied to me." I said after a few minutes. "Brian?" Roger asked. "Yeah. He told me you cheated on me. And stupidly enough of me I believed him because to be fair his story was believable." I said. "Why the hell would he do that!?" He said. "Because he told me just there that he's in love with me, he even called the wedding off." I told him. Roger put his head in his hands, rubbed his forehead back and forth and groaned loudly. After a while of this he said: "what is actually wrong with him?" I shrugged my shoulders. Roger jumped off the couch. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Down to his house." He said putting on his coat. I grabbed his hand. "I'm going too."

We reached Brian's house and he opened the door. "Brian, are you okay?" Asked Roger. Brian frowned. "Yeah?" He answered. "Then why on earth did you call off your wedding to be with my wife?" He asked. He didn't use angry or harsh words. He spoke kindly and I was surprised. Brian looked at me. "You told him?" He asked. I nodded. "Brian I had to. You lied to me." Brian began to cry. Roger brought him into the house and sat him down and I gave him a hug. "I think I'm having a breakdown or something." He whispered. "There has to be some thing wrong with me." I held Brian in my arms and I looked at Roger. He had a worried look on his face. There was something bothering Brian and we needed to fix it.

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