I'm In Love With You And Everything About You

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June 25th 1973

I was 10 weeks pregnant at this stage. Turns out I was actually pregnant during the wedding, although only a week or so. By this point I had a very small bump, almost invisible to the naked eye, it could only be seen if I had no top on. Other than that it wasn't obvious I was pregnant at all. I was expecting pregnancy to give me that "glow" that everyone talks about, although that wasn't the case for me. Maybe it was because I was still in my early 20s but I got more spots than anything else. It was like going through puberty all over again.

Roger and the boys were working extremely hard on their first album called "Queen". Roger invited me to the studio with him one day so that the two of us could tell the whole band together about the baby. I was nervous to tell them because I wasn't sure of what they would think. Turns out they were just as excited as Roger and me. Freddie was possibly even more excited than us. When we told him he screamed as high pitched as he could. "Rog, Meg," said Freddie using his nicknames for us. "If it's a boy you must include Freddie in its name!" He said clapping his hands together. "Thats not fair on Brian and John though Fred." Said Roger. "Well give him three middle names so!" Said Freddie, deciding the middle name of our child before we even knew it's gender. John was thinking this. "Hang on Freddie, what if it's a girl?" "Oh. Well, I didn't think of that. What names do you have so far?" "Well," Roger spoke up. "If it's a girl I would like to name it Elly or Emily Mae, boy, Aidan or Ciaran." I nodded my head in agreement. We had discussed this the night before. I had no reason for those names, they just struck me. They all sounded well with Taylor anyways....
I left the studio to go for another doctors appointment. This time we were checking growth and development. We couldn't check if it was a boy or a girl yet. I left Roger in the studio to finish some last minute things on the album. When I arrived at the hospital Dr Hardy examined me again. "Hello, Megan, is it okay if I'm your doctor through this while process?" He asked to which I nodded. I trusted Dr Hardy a lot so I was more than happy for him to deliver the baby and do my checkups.

Dr Hardy took out the scanner again. This time we could make out a better picture of my baby. "Okay," said Dr Hardy as he moved the scanner around my stomach again. "As you can see here we have the head.....wait...that's unusual....." he said frowning at the scanner. "What's wrong?" I asked, now worried. "I'll be one second, just hang on." He said getting up and leaving the room. I looked at the scanner to see if there was something unusual. I couldn't see anything that wasn't the norm, although this was ny first baby so I hadn't a clue what was normal at this stage. Dr Hardy returned a few minutes later with another doctor. Her name was Dr Lily. She scanned my stomach herself, frowned at the scanner and then looked to me. "Well, it turns out you are pregnant with twins." She said. "Congratulations." Dr Lily left the room. Dr Hardy was smiling at me as he printed out the picture. I was shocked. Twins?! How would we cope with twins? "Now as you can see here," Dr Hardy said, showing me the picture. "We have a small round figure here, this is baby one, we'll call it and this here is baby two. Baby two looks to be behind baby one but that's alright, as they grow we will see them clearer, okay?" I was still shocked. I was barely listening to him. I was having two babies? Having one baby growing inside me was weird enough but two was just fascinating. I had even more news to tell Roger now.

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