I Seem To Be What I'm Not

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*30th of April 1975*
I had started work a few weeks back and I was very happy there. I had been promoted from nurse to paramedic and I was so proud of myself, as big headed as that sounds. I called my parents and they were happy. Roger bought a bottle of champagne and invited the boys over. It wasn't that big of a deal but Roger wanted to make it one.

Freddie, Brian, Chrissie, John and Veronica came over. Mary didn't come because Freddie said they were fighting. I was a little uneasy at the thought of Chrissie coming because we didn't end on good terms. "Hey guys." I said as her, Brian and John entered the sitting room. "Congratulations Megan!" Brian said, hugging me. "Good job." Said John and he gave me a quick hug and pecked my cheek. "Hi Megan." Said Chrissie, awkwardly. "Hi Chrissie, how are you?" I asked. I wanted to let her know that I would like to be friends again. "I'm great, you?" She said. "Good, congratulations on the wedding by the way." I said. "Oh yeah, thanks. Megan, I want to tell you that I'm so sorry about everything that happened between us. Can we be friends again, I'm really sorry." She said. She sounded like a child asking for forgiveness. "Yeah of course, don't worry about it." I said. "Good. Oh and could you be my bridesmaid?" She asked. "Of course I will! Oh thank you so much for asking me, Chrissie!" I said.

We went into the kitchen to where Brian, Roger, John, Freddie and Veronica were.
When we walked in, the boys cheered for me. I felt shy and embarrassed but they were all smiling at me happily. "I just want to say congratulations to my beautiful wife Megan! Well done babe." Said Roger hugging me. Everyone sat down at the table and drank their wine. Roger put out food for everyone and we all sat around, talking and eating. I was talking to Chrissie about the wedding and realised how much I missed being friends with her. She loved the twins and was bouncing them on her knee and hugging them. Veronica took a liking to them too and so did her son Robert. Robert was born in 1975, January and he was only 4 months old but he still smiled at Elly and Aidan.

At around 1:00am only Freddie and Brian and Chrissie were left. John and Veronica left early because they had to get Robert home. He was crying at 10:00 and Veronica said he was tired. At 11:00 I put the twins to bed because they were crying too. Freddie sang to them until they fell asleep. After that he went mad on the drink and was completely intoxicated. "Lads," he said, hicupping. "I just.... want you all to know.....I'm really drunk right.....right now." We all laughed. "We know." Said Brian, laughing at Freddie, who was frowning at his glass. "What is this made from?" He asked. I laughed. "Its gla-" I started but Freddie smashed the glass against the table. "Ooh it's glass." He said. "Freddie!" I said, trying not to laugh. He was picking up the glass so I took it off him before he cut himself. I had to go to the bathroom a few minutes later. As I passed by I went into the twins room. Roger was sitting beside them, singing. He jumped when he saw me. "Jesus Megan, you scared me." He said. "Sorry." I said laughing. "Come here." He said, putting his arms out to me. I sat in his arms and rested my head on his chest. "Ah I love you so much." He said, kissing my head. "I love you too." I replied, kissing his lips. He hugged me again and then I got up. "Where are you going?" He whined. "To the bathroom before I pee myself!" I laughed. When I came back out Brian was standing at the door looking worried. "Oh sorry Brian, did you have to go?" I asked. "No, Freddies in there, dancing. Naked." He whispered. "Completely?" I asked. "Stark." He replied. I laughed. I went into the kitchen and found Chrissie, laughing, sitting at the table and Freddie standing on the counter, dancing. I covered my eyes. "Hey Fred, could you come down now?" I asked. "Why are you covering your eyes? Don't you want to see my lovely body?" He asked. "I'm kind of married." I said. He got down. Chrissie was laughing at him. "Um, excuse me, you're marrying me soon." Said Brian. Chrissie laughed again. Roger came into the room. "Whats all the laughi- Oh my God Freddie! Cover yourself mate!!!" He said, putting his hands over his eyes. Freddie sighed and put his clothes on.

Brian and Chrissie left for the night. We walked them to their car outside and then came back in. Freddie was passed out on the couch. "Where does he get the energy?" I asked. "No clue." Roger said. I got a blanket and covered him, putting pillows on the floor in case he fell off. I turned the light off. "Goodnight Freddie." I whispered.

I went into the twins room again and made sure they were alright. They were sound asleep. I turned their light off and went into my room. Roger was posing in his underwear on the bed. "What do you think honey?" He asked raising his eyebrows. "Very sexy." I said and put my pyjamas on. Roger jumped out of bed and hugged me from behind. He always did that and I loved it. "Love you." He said, kissing my cheek. "Love you too." I answered. He got into bed and I turned the light off. He pulled me close and cuddled me from behind. He was freezing. "Roger, you should put some clothes on." I said. "Nah." He replied. He pulled my hair behind my head and kissed my face. "You know how much I love you?" He asked. "I do." I said. "Good." He said. I lay in his arms. It was where I felt at home, at ease. We didn't have to make love to show our affection. All we had to do was cuddle in each other's arms.

A/N: Okay, I know Brian and Chrissie were married in 1974 but I forgot to have them married at that time in this book. Whoops. Anyways I know this chapter was kind of boring and nothing exciting happened but I have to take a break from the drama for a while lol. 😂

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