Thank Your Lucky Stars

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*April 10th 1975*
I moved back to London after getting my parents to drop my belongings off at my house. Roger was taking days off, we were going to the studio with him. We weren't fighting anymore. I was happy that my life was back on track. Roger was still being exceptionally nice to me, buying me flowers, gifts, giving me compliments. It felt like we were only dating again. He kissed me a lot and I kissed him back. I only realised at this moment how much he meant to me and how lucky I was to have him.

I was cooking dinner one evening when Roger came home. "Sit down babe." He said. I sat down and he took my hands. "How would you feel about going back to work?" I nearly cried. "I would love that! But what about Aidan and Elly?" "I'm going to take a break from the studio for a while." I was shocked. Roger loved his job. "But.... but..... you love working in the studio! We nearly broke up over it!" I said. "Yeah but I can tell you're close to smashing your head against the wall in boredom." He said. I nearly jumped across the table to hug him tight but instead I just smiled and nodded. "You can start Monday." He said.

I was so excited to go back to work. I took more time off than I had originally planned and I was so glad to get back into it. I felt guilty for making Roger stay at home but like he said, I was close to smashing my head into the wall with boredom. I called the hospital and told them I was returning soon. They sounded glad to have me back. Roger had to go to the studio one more time before I started so I went with him. He told me they had been working on something and wanted my opinion on it. We arrived at the studio and Brian and Freddie greeted me. John wasn't coming. "Hey Brian, what's up?" I asked. Brian looked up from his guitar, put it down and hugged me tight, laughing. "You're back!" He said. "I am! So how are you?" I asked. "I'm good. Me and Chrissie are back together, we're getting married soon." He said. "No way! Oh my god Brian, that's great news! Congratulations!" I said hugging him again.

I saw Roger go into the recording booth and sit at the drumkit. I stared at him, examining his concentration. He was very focused, almost squinting as he tuned the drums. He looked up and caught me staring but he smiled, then laughed. "So what do you want my opinion on?" I asked Brian and Freddie. "Oh yes," said Freddie. "I've written a song, a good one and the boys are against it. Roger, not so much, but Brian and John are. We want to know what you think. Roy, play Bohemian Rhapsody for Megan, please." He said to their producer. I heard a plethora of voices together singing softly. Then there was a beautiful, simple piano piece accompanied by Freddies gorgeous voice. An incredible, slow, talented solo came from Brian and I could hear Rogers drums. I couldn't understand why the boys were against this. It was gorgeous. Then, it came. The opera.

They all sang together, random words like Bismillnah. It was very clever, because it was a calling and answering type of song. The opera ended and another guitar solo, shorter, but incredible. The entire song ended with the band singing together. I heard a bang of a gong.

Freddie looked at me. "That was...... amazing!" I said. Freddie clapped and cheered and laughed in Brian's face. Brian was annoyed. "How is it amazing? We're singing opera for Christ's sake!" He said. "Its different, unique, special. I like it." I said. "Yeah Brian," said Freddie. "She likes it." Roger came out from the booth. "What did you think of the song?" He asked. "I personally thought it was amazing, you have to put it on the album." I said. Roger nearly laughed. "You're joking right?" He said. I shook my head. "No. It's a great song. A masterpiece. Well done Freddie, really." I said. "You've never congratulated me on the great songs I've written." Said Roger, pouting like a child. "Thats because you haven't written any good songs." Said Freddie laughing. Roger glared at him. "Aw Roger don't mind him! You have." I said hugging him.

"Lads," I said. "I'm telling you, put that song on the album, the whole world will be eating from your hand."

A/N: okay this is kind of a filler chapter, and I think the next few chapters will be fillers too. I think we've had enough drama for a while!

Love you all and thanks for reading. Really appreciated! ❤❤
~ QueenIsLife13

It's All So Beautiful *Roger Taylor Fanfic*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें