You Made Me Live Again

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After a short enough flight, we arrived in Truro. It was a lovely place, quiet, but inviting. My brother, Anthony was 23 and my brother Lee was 16. Because we arrived on a Tuesday, my mother wanted us to start school as soon as possible. My mother had decided we would attend Truro School as day children. My brother mocked us as he didn't have to go to school as he was done.

We arrived at our new home. 68 Sycamore Lane. It was a lovely home. It was a small detached bungalow. It was painted yellow with a huge front and back garden. It was obviously maintained well. We walked in and decided on our rooms. Like in Ireland my parents would have their own room, my brothers would share a room and I would have my own room. This house had a huge attic, big enough to be a room. After we got settled in the house, my mother brought us down to Truro School.

We met the headmaster Derek Burrell. We were to call him Headmaster Burrell to be respectful. "Hello Children, I'm headmaster Burrel, how are you?" He seemed nice. My mother started signing papers as me and Lee looked around. We had arrived during class time. Suddenly the bell rang and everyone exited the class rooms. Everyone looked at Lee and myself curiously. My mother finished the papers and we were to start school the next day.

As we left I saw an attractive boy sitting on a bench outside a class room. He had dark blonde hair cut into a sort of Beatles bowl haircut. He looked at me and smiled. The first thing I noticed were his beautiful blue eyes.

Title came from the song Now I'm Here

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