My Heart Cries Out To Your Heart

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*May 16th 1975*
**Rogers POV**
I was sitting at the kitchen table, feeling stressed out. I didn't know how I was going to cope with the whole situation. I was getting tired of her frequent panic attacks because neither of us knew how to deal with them. When we left the studio and brought Megan home, Brian, John and Freddie gave me a pep talk.


"What am I going to do?" I said running my hands through my hair. "Roger, you need to just calm down." Said Freddie, rubbing my back. "No!" I said. "I'm not going to calm down because my wife has a mental disorder that I can't handle!" There were tears welling up in my eyes. "Roger." Said Brian. "Do you know how selfish you sound right now?" I frowned at him. "Seriously Rog, she needs you more than ever now." Said John. "Johns right. If there's anyone struggling to handle this it's Megan." Said Brian. "I know. But I'm not able to help her. And she doesn't really want to get medication. I mean she doesn't even want help. And that doesn't help anyone." I said. "Roger. Please just see this from her perspective. She needs you right now. And you're being selfish here. She needs someone who will be there for her not bitching about it-" "You know what Brian? Why don't you be there for her seeing as you know so much about her!" I shouted at him. "Roger I'm just telling you-" "No you're interfering!" I said. "Guys stop fighting. Seriously. Look you both care a lot about Megan, but this fighting isn't helping her!" Said Freddie. "Look it's getting late maybe you should all go home. I'll call you guys tomorrow and we'll go to the studio. I just need son rest..." I said rubbing my forehead. "Bye." Said Freddie and he gave me a quick hug. "See ya." Said John and he patted my back. Brian stood in front of me until I looked up from the ground. I liked the other guys a lot, there were really nice, but I always had a connection with Brian. Maybe it was because he was the first person I knew from the band, who knows, only I knew I could trust him.

"Roger, please, cut her some slack, okay? She was talking to me about it and she said she's afraid that it bothers you. Don't let her think that it does. Be there for her, learn to accept it. It'll be hard but trust me that's what being a husband is: being there for your family." He said, patting my shoulder as he spoke. "Thanks Bri.." I said and I hugged him. He went out the door and I turned off the lights downstairs.

I went upstairs and kissed the twins. They were fast asleep in their cribs. Their cribs were in our room and I knew we needed to move them out. I wasn't sure where to though. I got undressed and put my pyjama bottoms on. I got in bed beside Megan. She didn't have the cover on her properly so I put it on her. She stirred a bit and then woke up. I was scared she'd have a panic attack again. But to both of our surprises, she just lay and smiled at me. It was as if all she needed to stay okay and calm was me. Maybe it was. I pulled her close to me and cuddled her. She didn't shake. She closed her eyes and twitched a bit but that meant she was asleep. She was getting better and I was going to be there for her.

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