Listen To The Wise Man

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Roger and I were in bed early that morning, taking advantage of the fact that Aidan was in school and Elly and Luke were asleep on the couch downstairs after they ate their breakfast with Aidan before he was off.

We just lay, in each others arms, my head resting on Rogers bare chest. I felt his chest raise and his heart beat. He had his arm around me, resting his hand on my arm.

I felt his heart beat get slower and his breathing get deeper.

He fell asleep.

I sighed and tried to sleep too but my mind was already awake, so there was no way I could fall asleep again.

I gently eased Rogers arm off mine and placed it on the bed, got out and wrapped my robe around me. I was walking out the door when I heard: "Where are you going?"

I turned and saw a very cute and very sleepy Roger staring back at me. I went over to him and kissed his forehead.

"Just heading downstairs. The kids'll be up by now. You have a rest." I stroked his face and started to walk away again.


I turned around again and Roger went red and looked down.

"I can't sleep without you."

I giggled. "How did you sleep without me for two years then?" I asked, thinking it was just a way to get me back into bed.

"I didn't."

I smiled and went over to him again, and he scooted over, giving me space to lie down to.

"This feels wrong. This isn't my side." He said seriously.

I laughed. "It doesn't matter does it?"

"No, no. Now I know how it feels to be you."

"What?" I asked.

"I'm Megan," he said in a mock girly voice  (although he didn't have to try seeing as his voice was extremely girly anyways). "And I love my darling Roger Taylor so much!"

I burst out laughing and couldn't stop. Roger started laughing too and eventually he wasn't tired anymore.

We were about to get out of bed when Elly came in.

"What's up Princess?" Roger asked her.

"Freddie is here." She told us.

Roger and I looked at each other. Brian said Freddie wasn't himself so we were concerned about he came across to Elly.

"I'll go down to him," Roger told me. "You watch Luke."

We headed downstairs and I picked a sleeping Luke up, who immediately woke, but didn't cry.

Turns out Freddie hadn't come to the door yet, he just waited outside in his car and Elly looked out.

Roger went out to him, then brought him in.

He had short hair and a moustache and I barely recognised him.

"How are you Freddie?" I asked.

"I'm alright darling how are you?"

"I'm fine. So you're going to be staying with us?"

"Yes if it's not too much trouble dear."

Roger shook his head.

"Of course not Freddie. You're very welcome to stay. Anytime."

"Thank you. It's just I haven't been myself. I hate asking for help and I don't like people feeling sorry for me, but Brian insisted that I get some help."

I noticed his hand was covered with a bandage. It must have been from where his boyfriend had bitten him. Or ex boyfriend now....

Freddie and I hadn't got off on the right foot back all those years ago. They seemed so distant now.... Freddie was a flamboyant, posh Persian man who had a great influence on Roger. At that time, I felt like he thought he was superior to Roger and I, which annoyed me. And also, he called me darling, which I didn't understand was a kind gesture..

Anyways, he told me he was gay one cold dark night and I felt like I needed to protect him, after seeing him so vunerable that night. Years later, here I was.

I brought Freddie upstairs to the spare room and let him get freshened up. I joined Roger downstairs again.

"He looks a bit gaunt doesn't he?" Asked Roger.

"Yeah. Definetly thinner. He probably hasn't been eating.." I said.

"We'll feed him up." Roger said laughing.

Freddie came back downstairs.

"Megan," he said.

"Yes Freddie?"

"I was just wondering, where's Aidan? I am his godfather after all..."

"Oh he's just at school Freddie." Roger told him.

"So why aren't you at school then?" Freddie asked Elly with a big smile.

"I'm sick." She replied, laughing.

"Ah, the sick card. I played that one a few times." Freddie said.

Roger looked at me anxiously but I mouthed 'Later' at him. Freddie didn't need to know Elly was ill especially when he had his own problems.

He also didn't need to know Roger was sick.

Later that day Aidan came home and he gave his Uncle Freddie a big hug. Brian joined us too and we all went out for a meal seeing as it had been nearly three years since Freddie had been in London. He told me all about Germany and how nice of a place it was. He told me about Queen and all they had been working on. And how they were performing in Canada soon.

All he had told me made me so proud of Roger. He was a modest person and rarely talked about Queen to me. I wished he would because it was very interesting.

We all went home and I brought the kids to bed. Freddie stopped me.

"I'll do the honours." He said, lifting Aidan up and putting his other arm around Elly.

Roger and I watched him. "Good with kids isn't he?" I said.

"Oh yeah, you should see him with Johns three. He loves them."

Freddie came back downstairs and sat beside us. "Do you want a drink Freddie?" I asked and brought him out a bottle of beer.

Roger slowly sipped on one, not wanting to drink the whole thing because he had to quit. This liver problem wasn't going to be able for his vast alcohol consumption.

"Wow Roger, you usually down those. What's up?" Said Freddie, already finished his second one.

"I don't really like to drink around the kids. Especially Luke. They don't like to see me drunk."

That was true. And Luke being on my knee made it more believable.

A few bottles later and Freddies vunerable side came out.

"I'd love to fall in love with someone. I'd love to come home to the love of my life and have a nice life with someone. I'd love what you guys have. But most of all. I'd love a child. A little boy or girl walking around my house. Wouldn't that be lovely..?" He sighed.

"Don't worry Freddie. You'll find someone." I told him.

"Hopefully. Roger. Megan. Can we make a deal?"

"Go on..." Roger said.

"If by the time I'm thirthy eight and I have a lover, a serious one, can I ask you guys to have a baby for me? You guys make beautiful babies."

Roger and I looked at each other and smiled.

"We'd love to." Roger said.

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