I Can't Face This Life Alone

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June 5th 1974
* Morning Time*
*Megan's POV*

My disturbing dream really caught me off guard. What was going on with me? I mean, I had Roger, the twins, why was I dreaming things about Brian of all people. Maybe it was because he kissed me. The whole thing was so overwhelming, I really was so confused. Of course I loved Roger, no matter what I would always love him, hard times have shown that. But why was I dreaming about Brian, my husband's best friend, one of my best friends. I really needed to talk to someone about it but I didn't know who. Someone who wouldn't judge me, someone who might understand......

June 5th 1973 was the date Roger and I got married in Truro in front of our family and friends. Today was our one year anniversary. I didnt know if Roger remembered, he wasn't one for dates, honestly. I hadn't got much planned myself. I was too busy with the twins, they were a lot of work. Feeding, cleaning, cuddling, they had so many needs. Roger and the band were working hard on their new album, and Roger wasn't home a lot. I was struggling to cope on my own with them.

It was about 7am at this point. I was thinking about what I was going to do for our anniversary. Sighing, I took the duvet off me and got out of bed. To my surprise the twins were still asleep, they looked so adorable when they slept. I made myself a cup of tea and sat at the kitchen table. Stirring the tea I thought about an anniversary gift. We were pretty tight on money at this point. Babies aren't cheap. I thought of maybe asking Chrissie and Brian to mind the kids while me and Roger went out for a meal but I wasn't sure if they would be happy to. Suddenly the phone rang making me jump out of my skin.

"Hello?" I answered.
"Hello, is this Megan?" Asked a woman's voice of whom I didn't recognise.
"Yes it is, may I ask who's speaking?" I asked.
"This is Mrs Taylor, Rogers mother." Said, obviously, Rogers mother.
"Oh Mrs Taylor, hello, how are you?" I asked, suddenly angry remembering her refusal to hear about the twins when we found out I was pregnant.
"I'm very well, thank you. Is Roger there?" She asked. It was only 7:30
"No sorry Mrs Taylor, he's actually asleep right now, but I'll tell him you called." I said.
"Rogers usually an early riser, is he ill?" She asked.
"No, no, he's just been finding it difficult to sleep recently." I said vaguely.
"Why's that?" She asked.
"I'm not too sure." I said.
"Well anyways, I know it's your anniversary today and I thought maybe you and Roger might want to come to Truro today for a few days to spend time with us!" Said Rogers mother.
"Oh that sounds wonderful Mrs Taylor. When he wakes I'll tell him." I said.
"Alright, well goodbye Megan."
"Bye Mrs Taylor." I said putting the phone down.

What did I just do? I was such an idiot. Roger wouldn't want to go to his mothers house, she was so mean about my pregnancy. She had completely forgotten about it, it seemed. I should have given her a piece of my mind, instead of being nice to her. I couldn't do that though, that wasn't me.

I walked up the stairs to wake Roger up. It was about 7:45. I had spent the last 15 minutes pacing around the kitchen trying to figure out what I was going to say to Roger about his mothers call. I gently shook him. He frowned, then opened his eyes. He smiled when he saw me. "Ah morning babe." He said. "Morning Roger." I said. "Hey, um, your mother called earlier this morning." I said, quietly. Roger sat up. "What?" "Your moth-" "No I heard it," Roger cut me off. "I just can't believe she actually called." "I know." I said. "Did she ask about the kids?" "Nope, but she invited us out to Truro for a few days for our anniversary." I said. Roger rolled his eyes. "Is that meant to be her way of saying sorry for not giving a damn about us or our children?" He asked sarcastically. "Maybe we should go." I said taking hold of his hand and playing with his ring. "Why?" He asked. "Well we could use a break, just for one or two nights." I said. "We could tell them about the kids too." "I don't know," said Roger. "Oh come on, for just one night, please, if you don't patch things up with your mother, you'll regret it for the rest of your life." I said. "But Megan, you've only met her several times, believe you me, she is not the person you think she is." "Roger, come on, she has to know about the twins. Please, for me." I knew that would change his mind. He sighed. "Alright, I'll call her, tell her we're flying out tomorrow and then we'll go." "Okay but who will mind the kids?" I asked. "I'll ask Brian or something, we'll figure something out."

Roger went to call his mother. She picked up almost straight away as if at had been waiting for us to call. "Hello mum." Said Roger. "We're coming out tomorrow if thats okay.....Yeah that's fine.....okay.....love you....see you then, bye..." He said putting down the phone. "Well?" I asked. "She said that's fine. She wants us to dress up or something tomorrow, I don't know "wear some thing nice." She said. I'll call Brian now."

He came back a few minutes later. "Well Brian agreed, so we're going to Truro tomorrow." He said unhappily. I hugged him close. "Roger you won't regret this, I promise." I said. "I hope you're right."

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